HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-08-05 Revenue Bonds Election"FOR THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS" And those opposed, shall have printed on their ballots the words: "AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS" The manner of holding said election shall be governed by the haws of the State of Texas, regulating such.electionsa A copy of this Ordinance, signed by the Mayor of the City of Stephenville, and attested by the City Secretary, shall serve as a proper notice of the election, and the Mayor is directed to cause such notice of election to be printed, and published in the Stephenville Empire -Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation, published in said City, which notice shall be published once each week for five weeks, the date of the first publication ,being not less than 30 full days prior to the date of the election, and the Mayor shall also cause notice of said election to be posted at the place designated for holding said election, and at some public place in each ward in the said City of Stephenville for at least 30 full days prior to the date of said election. PASSED and approved the 5th day of August, 1936. Attest: - or My cre ary ~ h oTick Notice fit hereby given that an election will be held In the City o3 Stephc:rvilka. at the City ]jail, on Septesnbor 701, 1936, acid Ordinauca ordering grid election is I-ehy publ!ehed nis a nutlee of said elec- tion, .said Ordinaneo being ns follows. AN ORDINANCI; CALLING AN EL .- 'PION 'L'O BE iI1 LD ON THE 7111 DAY OF SEE 1'EMBER. 1936, TO 1)13- TPylliY IN4 WHETHEA Olt .NOT VEV- I;NUrs BONJA4 OF TiIC C1TV OF STI: PHENVILI E. 7'O THE AMOUNT OF WILL LIE 1VE DOLLARS ISSULDUTORD"1'i3z r[!R- POSM OIL' THE PLIRCI3ASI:, DU1Lu- ING AND CONSTRUCTION OF A PARK AND SWIMMING POOL, IN THE CITY 01' S'1'EPHENVI•LLIi, TEX- AS, SAID PARK AND SWIMATING POOL TO BY-; OWNED AND OPUR- A'i'IID BY '1 HN L'ITY 01:" STEPHEN- VILL:E, SAID BONDS TO BE. 185UED UNI7MIi THZ AUTHORITY GRANTED Tlil�,, CITY BY AlITIOLES 1.111 TO lets, BOTII INCLUSLM OF THE i IttVIS17,I1 CIVIL STATUTES OF TEX- AS, 1005, AS NOW AMENDED. BE ]7' ORDAINED 13Y Tilt CITY COUN- Olt. Op THE CITY Or, STEPIMN- VILLE, TEXAS.' That an election be held on the 7th day of September ,A.. D. 1989. lit which eler- tlon the following propoaitlon shall be submitted Shall the City Council of the City of Stephenville. Tcxas, be authorised to Is- sue revenue bonds of snid City in the sum of Thirty-Flva T]tousand Dollars, payable serially' over a period of ten years, with option of redemption niter 3 years, btearing five per cent interest per annuni, inWreet payable semi-annually, lvith nucls portion of the principal pay - Able anuualiy each year m that tine com- bined payment of the priocipfai and inter- est each year ataall W aPPrux[nntLL•Iy IOVOi duving the tees year ueriud, said revenue bonds to be for the purpose of the pul ohase, building nnd construction of a perk find swimming POOL in the Olty of Steph- env[Ile. Texas, and the said revenue b % 6- to be secured by a [fret mortgage on eat, par d swimming�r foul and tho•"nt't rdvenue iYt r eIl!ductinit the ex, p of ope'ikElon nrid alninteunnce; 1h t�ary to OI Lau nit" oAlaries,- labor, MutD11ala, in - Wrest, repairs and axtengand satd�r revenue render eRieient tiervlce,. 4 bonds: to be further Seteund by It first tnaregage, pledge and lien upon one-half [ of the net .xevn1ja of the Present Water ` '.. Its S Ms m and the present Sewer 6ys[enY ov.'iicrl, .cunUalled nnd- Operated by paid City. or sv much thereof which, to- gether ta parlk andthe na wimmtng pet Ineolto ool, will es of the b, auffieleat to prdreptly pay both principal nnd interest of said bonds when and as the mule shall bseome due, and which i Works andrtion ofaHewcr Systaid me,not ruvertuoil oorRso much thereof as will be nectseary to suPpla- nlent the not incamea and rovdnnes of said park and Svvtmmlng pool for the purpose Stated, will be appropriated by Ordinance of the City Councll of the City of Steph- eaville, authorizing the Issuance of the Aforesaid bonds, and the amount, oi' Rmaunta, no appropriated shall be paid In- to the itavenua Bond Fund each motith for the purpose stated, and each of Bald honda and the mortgage .securing the name ehnit have laaerted therein the foltowings f "The 11eldtsr hhr0Of shell never have the right to demand payment of this ob- li6rntlon out of any fundis r d or to be raigoJ liy taxattatl," - - And euid mortgaKii anti d rev ieloutl""at shall ,onto[. the following p 1`he trusses and line holder, or hatdOn, of the revenue 4]wnda hareln Wovh ed fur shall never, ;llreetty or indirvetlY, In law ar in equity. be permitted to make . any claim ogainet the stencral revenue" of the i City r� Or ewer Sy$Ual,torrOM the any fundu rAlsr aloe S, cd or to be raised by taxatian for t le pay ment of either principal or inteTent ar any ,[her ahargea urlslntc frace the conStaRra- tinn or ogat'ntton of said unrlc and swim- MirsY, pool, but no sale eeessrity fur said nvrsuie bonds and clna+rkand t all be the ewirnminit revanucx from SR[el p ,iupl nnd the portion of a:sitl raVanues of :aid Wntcl, Works and &,wer SYS M" Sails! revenue bonds to lac issued under nutharlty granted the City of Stephen. vilte In Aria, llil to 1118 both Lncluaive. Rer,ieed Stntutea of 102G of tttl lime of Statulen lspei`tlnent tar `said! subjtat. ether Said cledt•oil shnil be held in all thin>ta ua PrOVttled by law, at the offioc of the ;;;ty Secretary in the City Hall in Ste- p}ie•r.vllio. Texas, and the fo"Ou'lag nata- ,I peraana are hes'CI.Y appointed mun- agerS l Jac.. Purvis, Previd}ng .lunge' dnO. F. .Mira n, Clerk. slidWatts. AasistantucifeNita. nPaulS6 ndlcrr, le.rk. S¢ll[1 eication Shall 1]R heldoin leettvns b. once With law partai Ewe >A "tkae and TOw'ns irs @ayes of the Lasuaalce n j�nll All lea OfSaid iCRYdOf Stephen ille.s fied as prO- ided and qualified far such Olectlon by IlO Constltut oil and I,nws of tine State Of Texas, "hail be allowed to vote 1 and all voters dcis4ring to support and vo ' for the prayo-sltiOn to issue revenue bonflol AS above set out shalt have printed upon tbvtr ballots the words "FOR THE ISSUANCE or REVENUE BONDS." And !base opposed, shall have printed an their baltoU the words I „AGAINST T14D ISSUANCE OI' REV- L'rN UE BONDS " ` Tba rn6raer of hOldinit said electkou shaIl -be governed by the I.nwa of the Staop to or Ti. itwea!planar., $19ne lSuch aby the A cyf o r Mayor of the Clty of Stephenville, and ntte$ted by tiro City Secretary, shall ,ievve no a Proper is directed to cause t useSuch 1100c(retJon. Andol blayort Of cleotion to be printed and published in the Stephenville EmpjrL• Trjbuna, n newepaper of general circulation, published in said City, which slot" Shull he published once each week for T[va weeks, till, dAW of the first publication being ont less thins 80 full days prior to the date of the elcctlon, Anil the J&yor shall also cause native of said olattion to be posted nt the pinee degisPeinoachward in the for nRalmi at at sameome public Place said City of Stephenville for at least 80 fua sed nnd approved edWthe of eaid Sth cdayiaOOf p Auguat, 1084, ( $sal) 14NRT CLARX. Blayar. Attest. C. C. DAVIS. City Secretary. The foregoing ordhinnee Is Published as a notice of electlrm. (SOal) IIENRY CLARK, Mayor- C. C, DAVIS. Aug. 71 1+1, 21, 28, Sept. 4, 1936.