HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-06-04 to 1957-07-23 Regular Meeting1.33 Stephenville, Texas June l -, 1957. The City Council met in regular session on the above date with Mayor Evans presiding and the fo11o,Ying aldermen present: David Hugon, Virgil Dickerson, Chas. Ri'- ins, Philip Price, J. P. Hedrick, Albert Graves and Scott D. Reed. City -1ttorneIT Chandler, Chief O' Police Cornell, '.'ester Supt. Anderson and Strect Supt. McMahan were also present. Minutes of lest, meeting were read and approved. Messrs. Millard Oates, art Anderson and Rolls Johnson, rep- resentatives of the Gulf States Telephone Company, appeared before the Council, to discuss for the benefit of its new members, their request for an increase in tho company telcphono rates. fter some discussion, it was su r,gested -and agreed the Council wo,ald call a meeting the latter part of July to consider this matter I urther. It was moved by Alderman Teed, seconded by Alderman Dickerson, th^.t the folloirin notice for City Depository aid for the coming year be advertized. Yotion carried. NOTICE Notice is hereby air n that the City Council of the City of Stephenville, Texas, will receive scaled proposals for the custody Of City Funds of said City, ,"rom any bankin,e, corporation, associa- tion, or individual bankers doing business within the City of Step- henville. All bankin:- corporations, associations or individual hankers desiring to be selected as the Denository of the funds of said City shall file their sealed bids with Rex 1'. Cates, City Secretary, on or before the Is" day of July, 1957, stating the rate percent upon daily balance that such bidder offers to pay to the City for the next gear following the date above mentioned. All such _proposals shall be securely 'wept by the City Secretary and shall not he onened until the 2nd d^y of July, 1957, at which time the City Council of said City shall meet for the purpose of passing upon the same and no proposals will be received after such sealod bids hq-,e been opened. The CourCil reeertios t^.e rigl-�t to reject any and all bids. P"r, r,ud McAlister, alon^ with a ,?,roup of citizens living in his immediate neighborhood, came before the Council complaining of trash and combustible material stacked around the R. A. Clark nroperty at 1061 W. Pecan St., which in their opinion was a fire hazard and afraid it mi^ht destroy surrounding property should it catch fire, also that hi.s cow lot s'�ould he cleaned out immediately. After discussion, the above matter was referred to the Sanitary Committee and Chief of Police to be worked out by them. T'r. C. A. Butler appeared before the Council requesting the City to extend the seeet line from l^r. Was'zington St., to his new building at 1905 '.J. Tarleton St., wl-,ich would '.)e apnrcximately 695 feet. '.fter discagsinn on this matter, it was referred to the Sanitary Committee to i.Drk out necessary details with N?r. Butler. Also to work out recommendations for future policies for extending sewer lines and to report back to the Council. alderman Graves reported the basement of the old City Tall sho>>_ld be filled up witli dirt since it stands in about three feet of water all the time. 'his was discussed and it was -oved by Alderman Reed, seconded by Alderman Graves, that the City fill up the basement of the old City "all building, with dirt as soon as possible. "lotion carried. Nayor Evans requested the Cemetery Committee to work out some recoms^_endations for the future operation of the East End Cemetery acid present the, to the Council for consideration at a later date. Alderman Hedrick reported that the V. P. W. complained about not being allowed the concession right at the City Recreation Hall when 1.34 renting the building. Tbis matter was discussed and agreed that the nersnn oneratirr;, the basket room wei_ld hrive all concession ri;-ht _ . alderman Hedrick also reported he had had several comlaints on igh School children taking up too much time on the City'_Golf Course, that most of these children have no ri:-ht to play £or free on _aid -purse. :^£ter dl.scusSlon, it '9Uz"""9?"ed, and -,reed, that those children of Trigh School age which do not have a pass, or the right to play, be. allowed to *work around the golf course to nay for their dues. ::ldprn-n Dickerson and his committee nresented the "ollo'wing recommer-nations as the future policy for th.e City regarding, sick leave for re gular City Employees: 1. All re .filar employees havin,: worked over six months ,:ill },)e all_nl�red two weeks paid sicl: leave. 2. A11 regular empinyees havinF worked over five years will -allowed lloed t'iirty days paid sick leave. 3. Ail enrloy('es must present ._ doctor'S certificate w'^en absent `rc_ri work doe to illness. It was moved by :Alderman Reed, seconded by alderman Graves, that the above recommendations be accepted as the City's future r;olicy for sick leave for all re�,,ii1ar city employees. Aiotion earriod. ;lldyrman Tlu on discussed the need to strai hten .'-e channel of the 3osque River south of the E. '+lashington Street bridge, ar-d reported th^.t it mimht be possibly for the State L'i-;hway Depart- Tient to do tllio ..sorb i` the, City, co',-.ld got Tommy !'lint;, to male a slat of this new proposed channel. It was moved by alderman seconded by alderman Dickerson, that the City Council .,:t')cri_-So the Strcet Committee to -o ahead with all the necessary details to change the channel of the 3osque river South of the E. ,Is`.ington Si,ree.t bridge. Motion carried. Alderman 7u;on alsn discussed the need for better drainage on E. Crow Street. after furtl-ler discussion, it was suggested f`^t . e Street Commmittee wor''- this problem lem out. It was s :,_�,gested, after some di.scussi-on, t'nat the Street Committee .roric out recommendations for the future policy of the Street Deyartment regarding putting, caliche on any City street. ..".lderman Craves ranorted that he had a list of approxir^ately 115 property owners here in the City who are not connected on City sewer lines. 1-fter niscussion , i-. was su"gested that the above mentioned nronerty owners be .lent a letter requesting; that tl,ie,, ?'1'I=:e aria _.Amen o `.n be connected on City sewer lines. ",'gins reported o`_1 bis recent visit wit i :�^. 'faylor Alrion, :rice President of Rauscher, Pierce Co., Inc., of ?a11as, Texas, concoming w'-_— t could be done regarding re- financin; a part of he City's bonded indebtedness and the cost ',o .,_.o Cit. for j'1. -;in' +flip. d—e. ". l,lerm:-n ?i: inC also re- ported than under ourpresentset-up, —less the City has all the current rovenue bonds refinanced, t-wt they wiII be unable to issue an-r more revenue bonds in the fut-L.re 1,ntil sa=_d in- debtedness i, paid. -` -sae , Alderman Price, seconded b Alderman Reed, l, moved b�T -, t, .t "Hat the City* authorize I"" r. '"aylor .11nnn of 3auscher, Pierce .. �r Co. ipc., to look into the matte- of cost to the City for re - fin r ng the City's revenue bonded indebtedness, also that the Cit," in vest th.e �15,000.00 nol,r n the reserve account, Deng held by the ".erc_ntile _.-t1oral Rank o D 11_f�s, In t,overnment bonds. The motion .-,as carricd. if- "nved oy Alderman Diclr-yl'Lon, seco n led by :ldcr2; an Reed, '-h`t th_c folln-ain resnlution be passed: 135 ?EJ OT�m Ir 07 7 ."�,.. 11T'j T+' ' nn „T t i�l Ra' lr I ,- rPP ,TD t^.at t')c PrCa-: ile .�,, l0 :L._ 07 .� 1. ns, xas, be a'"T Zed t0 �nJaPt in 1 tq en+ ine ty 1'7P reserve f n.ls (1" _i e City of +. h,P,,*ille, on de.,-osit with said bank, in United Sates i11 P?Sury nnd3. 1--0n.,rls descriti'Pu-oelou: ntion ra-11 ad. closin of tl-e"; Sit -IT TT.`3.i1 onS:'t' -� vinrn In c'R 't, no ^cf,'on ta]::0n at ft11iC '`,lI"_0. The Council voted by a majority not to .allow Tired Phillips p:.r'.cin,- space for hie taxi -stand. It was mo•-ed by :lderr:an Dic',-or.gnr, seconded ':,; «lderman City J' ( CT TTeKinney be al]_owed $10.00 per month Pries, th^,t �-t � ad„e C. ,, y car exnense effective --.s of June 19t. :'onion carried. 4 Tt 1Tas moTred b" Alde'--= T'=on, seconded by Alderman Price, _... that effective a:, of iul_y 1. 1957, r.'.e rent on t'.ie CitIT i rnort f hea�.ZS.i,)(1 l�P.r r�n,rth• "ot'on carried. It was mo,red 'o, Ilder--an Dickerson, seconded by "] do —,an Heed, that effectivaof July 1, 1.957, the CitzCouncil e s * r:rill meet on first and third Tuesday- nights of each month. Motion carried. Y It ;.r.is, '"love C': b`. Alderman FuPion, seconded by Alderman Dick e',n o-, h..t *2000.On ha transferred from thc. W-0,or Works Operating yund to tree R R, g Hund. Motion carried. It rrIs moved by Alderman Hup;on, saconc-ed by Alderman Dick- erson, that bills and account^ be allowed arn° ordered paid. ^`.otlnn ro car,u. V There bcln„ no o- 9_r h.,;SineSB ^t this=-r^.8, the C ncil stood adjourned subject to the A"_ayor's call. 0 AAJ 'a,,or. ity Secretary .^ Stephenville, Texas July 2, 1957. The City Council met in regular session on this date with Mayor Evans presiding and the following aldermen present: David Hugon, Virgil Dickerson, Chas. Riggins, Philip Price, J. P. Hedrick, Albert Graves and Scott D. Reed. Present were City Atty. Chandler, Water Supt. Anderson, Ass't. Chief of Police Hook and Street Supt. McMahan. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. It was moved by Alderman Hugon, seconded by Alderman Dickerson, that the Council hold their second meeting on July 23, 1957, instead of July 15th, effective for this month only. Motion carried. Mrs. Lydia Middleton came before the Council in regard to her 1957 tax valuation on Lot 9., Block 1, Counts Addition, which had been set at a value of $1160 by the Equalization Board. After dis- cussion, the Council agreed to re -set the value on this property at Ow1000. 136 Mr. W. F. Hill also appeared before the Council regarding the value placed on his property by the :Equalization Board. This was discussed and it was moved by Alderman Dickerson seconded by Alder- man Reed, that the value on Mr. Hill's property (N. pt. Lot 17, all Lot 18, Block 2, Groesbeck Addition) be set at w3500. Motion carried. Nr, J. D. McCullough, Chairman of the Erath County Free Fall Fair Association, appeared before the Council requesting permission for the use of the City Park and its facilities for the week ending Sept. 1957. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Reed, seconded by Alderman Price, that the Fair Association be allowed tie use of all Park facilities during the week of Sept. 22, 1957, and City to furnish free the water, electricity, police protection and fire protection. Potion carried. h'r. Bras Cole, representative of Ellis Insurance Agency, came before the Council to discuss a blanket Surety bond to cover all City x employees. This matter was referred to the Finance Committee for further study and to bring their recommendations back to the Council for final action at the meeting on July 23, 1957. Mr. Jack Arthur, local theatre owner, appeared before the Coun- cil requesting he be granted a franchise to operate Tele-Novies or home movies within the City Limits of the City of Stephenville. It was moved by Alderman Hugon, seconded by Alderman Hedrick, that the City grant Tr. Arthur a franchise to locate, construct, maintain and operate a,i electronic home theatre in the City of Stephenville, Texas. (Said ordinance being attached to and becoming a part of these minutes). Notion carried. Mr, R. D. McLemore, Ass't. Tax Collector & Assessor, presented the 1956 Delinquent Tax Roll for the Council's approval. It Baas moved by Alderman Reed, seconded by Alderman Ri,gins, that the 1956 Delin- quent Tax Roll be accepted and approved. Motion carried. Aide -man Reed reported on the present condition of the East End Cemetery, and other than finances, it is in good condition. He also suggested, if there were no objections from the Council,- that he would like to send out 1-tt�rs to each and every lot c%.mer, or family with loved ones buried there, requesting donations to help maintain this cemetery. (No objections were voiced by the Council). Alderman Hedrick reported that the roof on the Recreation Hall leaked and should be repaired. After discussion, this matter was re- ferred to the Park ConL-nittee and ir. J. F. Anderon. Alderman Hedrick also reported that the Park Committee had hired T^:iss Vicky Grief for extra help teaching swimming at a salary of w15.00 per week, and wanted to know if there were any objections by the Coun- cil. (No objections voiced by Council). Alderman Hedrick also ask if there would be any objections to the Teenagers hiring a colored orchestra to play .for their dance to be held at City Recreation Hall in August. (No objections voiced by Council). Alderman Dickerson reported the Fire Department needed an extra man to work during vacation time and while two of the men were away at Firemen's Training School. He suggested the four regular firmen:. be allowed to work out their vacation and in turn pay the four men what the City would have to pay for an extra man for working during these two periods. It was moved by Alderman Dickerson seconded by Alderman Hedrick, that the City send two firemen to the Firemen's Training School at College Station with expense of $75.00 to be paid each man. Motion carried. It was moved by Alderman Reed, seconded by Alderman Graves, that the Fire Committee be authorized to hire an extra man to work during Firemen's Training School and vacation periods. Motion carried. Alderman Dickerson discussed allowing some of the extra men working at the Water Plant a few days paid vacation. No action was taken on this matter. 137 Alderman Graves requested, if there were no objections, that a letter be prepared and mailed to each p=rson within the City Limits where sewer is available requiring that they tie on sewer line im- mediately. (No objections from the Council). Discussed at this time was some of the outstanding accounts with the City, and it was suggested that they be mailed another notice of their delinquent accounts and told they should be taken care of at once. Mayor 3vans requested the Finance Committee to look into a good form of Centralized Purchasing System that could be used by the City and make their recommendations back at a later meeting. It was moved by Alderman Price, seconded by Alderman Hedrick, that the City allow City Judge C. H. McKinney $15.00 per month raise for car expense. Motion carried. Alderman Hugon suggested that the City should enforce parking meter tickets only until 5;00 P. M. This matter was discussed but no action taken. Mayor 5vans reported that Mr. Doxie Tate was willing to lease his property to the City to be used for a parking lot. This was discussed but no action taken. A bid from the Stephenville State Bank, as Depository for keeping City Funds, for the year 1957-58, was opened and the bid was $555.00. It was moved by Alderman Hedrick, seconded by Alderman Hugon, that the City accept this bid for the ensuing year. Motion carried. It was moved by Alderman Hedrick, seconded by Alderman Higgins, that $8500.00 be transferred from Police Dept. Fund to General Fund. Ytotion carried. It was moved by Alderman Hugon, seconded by Alderman Lickerson„ that 3600.00 be transferred from Water Works Operating Fund to R & B Fund. Motion carried. The Council authorized the City Secretary to contact Mr, Albert Cragwall in regard to his bill against the City for making a typed car list for Police Department of automobile owners of this county and to pay Mr. Cragwall their agreed upon price. It was moved by Alderman Hedrick, seconded by Alderman Dickerson, that $1000.00 be transferred from Water Works Operating Fund to Park Fund. Motion carried. It was moved by Alderman Hedrick, seconded by Alderman Higgins, that bills and accounts be allowed and ordered paid. Motion carried. There being no other business at this date, the Council stood adjourned subject to the Mayor's call. ATTEST• C� �7,11 ity becretary. I 138 . Stephenville, Texas July > 23, 1957. The City Council met in a called meeting on the above dote with Mayor Evans presiding and the following aldermen present: David Hugon, Virgil Dickerson, Chas. Riggins, Philip Price, J. P. Hedrick and Albert Graves. Council met again with Mr. Rolla Johnson and Art Anderson, representatives of the Gulf States Telephone Co., in regard to their request for an increase in telephone rates here in Stephenville. After some discussion, it was moved by Alderman Hedrick, seconded by Alderman Dickerson, that when the Gulf Sates Telephone Co makes additional improvements of $30,000 to their present local system, and improves their present service to City subscribers, then Council would consider anX increase in rates at a future date. Motion carried.: Council discussed the above motion with Mr. Johnson and Anderson aid after this the following motion was made by Alderman Hedrick, seconded by Alderman Graves, that the Finance Committee be authorized to confer with Mr. Rolla Johnson, and report back to Council at a later meeting. Motion carried. Mr. J. C. Helms, Supt. of Schools, and Mr. Gene Porter, School Board Member, appeared before Council and requested City's aid in a drainage problem between Central High and Ward School, also needed assistance in digging a new sewer line. On this request, Mr. Helms promised to furnish all material and the laying of sewer line if City would furnish their machinery. After some discussion, it was moved by Alderman Hedrick, seconded by Alderman Price, that City fur- nish machinery and labor for paving between Central High and Ward Schools if School would furnish material and pipe for hot topping and sewer line. Motion carried. Mr. Leonard S#.one appeared before Council requesting City to open up Crestridge Drive to Mimosa Lane on to Harbin Ave., in the new Chamberlin Addition, and promised as soon as the City had comple- ted this work would be willing to pay for having streets paved and curb & gutter. After some discussion, the above matter was referred to the Street Committee to be worked out by them. Fred Phillips appeared before Council requesting that he be granted a parking space for his taxicab stand on the south east cor- ner of Belknap and Mason Sts. for which he would be willing to pay $12,00 per month. After some discussion, the following motion was made by Alderman Graves, seconded by Alderman Price, that the or- dinance providing for Taxicab Stands in the City of Stephenville be passed. (said ordinance being attached to and becoming a part of these minutes). Motion carried. Alderman Hugon requested that his vote be recorded "No" on the above motion. Alderman Dickerson reported that a number of people living out- side the City Limits on the_old Hico Road were wanting City to ex- E tend a larger water main to those homes now on water and he also resented an estimate of cost for digging and laying of new line of 2700.00. This matter was discussed but no further action taken at this time. It was moved by Alderman Dickerson, seconded by Alderman Graves, that City authorize Percy Anderson to extend a larger water main to the new National Guard Armory Building. Motion carried. It was moved by Alderman Price, seconded by Alderman Riggins, that City authorize City Attorney Chandler to file Delinquent Tax Suits against the following described property: Lot 2, Block 7, Crow Styles Addition and all if Block 6, Crow Styles Addition. Motion carried. It was moved by Alderman Hugon, seconded by Alderman Dickerson, that Ass1t. Tax Collector Rush McLemore be given a raise in salary of $40.00 per month effective as of September 1, 1957. Motion carried. There being no other business at this date, the Council stood ad- 139 journed subject to the Mayors call. G Attest: Mayor./ Secretary. tart' 140