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1958-06-27 Certifying Copy of 1951-01-02 Meeting for Airport Bond
S TSB emu or TMS = cm or mrsaynas on this the god day of JsnuwY, 1951, the MY Coatrcil of the Clay of Stevbmwille, Tomas, amrsmad in regular asatimep at the rmeulw met- ing place with the following ambers tharmorp to-4dts R. N. Pittman, *War, Palter ersaftne s tt w"m Ratliff, s J. P. Nedriak, s ttarn 0. Pendlo" n, A14WWAMO Clinton C, Cat, s Scott D. Reed) s J. SWUNO lergeaatn, n CO H. Nsgulse, City secrets , Wing preesot, with the following obeautt tr amblett, constituting a quorsm►, at which _time the f*ilawin8 Proceedings Were hods AIAWsan Reed intaWacea a resolution and made a motion Chet It be adopted. The motion vas sraeadad by A14WMU PerSOeon. The motion gasrr"Od with it the sAaptUm of the resolution prevailed by the following Nouns AUSs Aldermen 3random, Ratliff, Sadrick, Cos, tssndleton, Read, and Yergueou and *War Pittaes, WNSt now, The resolution ar asdopted is as follows: MMLVIICN BY Tax Cm COIL CP Ta cm CS LLB, MXAS, CALLI114 AN t18CT ON 09 TIM QMTMN Or TIM leffauts or $4*000.00 A7R1'GtM'BOWS, WMWAASO the City Council of the City of Stephomilie, TWOM, deems it advisable to issue the bomds of said City for the purpose beroinafter mentioned; and 1. That an election be held in the MY of StephisvLUS* Tames, on the 20th day of Amery, 1951, at which election the following proposition "v'V a +shall be submitted; "sha11 tbs City Council of the city of stapbeaville, Texas, be autbasised to ideas the bonds of said City in the smunt of t25,OOD•00s aaturiM sasialiy in awCb inotallmente as my be fixed by the City Council, the maxi+aa maturity data being not mere then TwsmV Five (25) Years trot their data„ bearing interest at a rate not to 1 am, m s d Three and oane4 alt (30) pa seat par amu% payable aensaliy or eaei-snavallyy, and to levy a tax suffteoiemt to pay interest as it accrues and Principal ae it astw" an said issue or bonds, for the Purpose Of spliced dig, improving and *Vdppia$ an Airport, air aaavigpa• tion facilities and caavrtsewmting buildups AM other taailitlee Incidental to the Operation tbar sets as autboarimed by Us Consti- tution and lavo of the grate of daises." 2. That said election sball be bald at the City Hall.,, Within said Citys and the following named persons are beraby appointed offla rs of amid election, to -Vitt J. R. Palmer,. Zad©ie Bihar, 110tal.le Anlersons Mrs. imsett Jtunds Praaiding Judge,. Judge,. clerks Clerk. 3• That said election @hail be held under the provisions of Chapter 1. Title 22 of the seviemd Civil statwtse Of Texas,. 1925, as ama ded. Qnly iyprlly qualified electors vbo am taxable property is the City and who bane duly rendered the seta for baeation eball be gwalifled to vote. 4. The ballots for Said election shall have vritten of printed thereon the following: Each voter shall mask out vitb black ink or black pencil one of Us expressions on the ps+opasitions thus leaving the other as indicating his vote on *web propo@itiat. 5. A substantial OW of this recalution sigoad by the 11nyour of sold City and attested by the Citdr smoratery *ball serve as proper tntica of acid election. 204100 913611 be given in accordance with Article 7040 Revised Civil statutes of 19250 as ammaded. The Mayen is autborts*d and directed to have a COPY Of said notice posted at the City Ball in said City, and at tvo other p0lic places Within said City, not Is" then fifteen days prior to the datt fined for holdigg said election. Be shall also caatt cold notice to be pnbliM*d an the sane 49W in each of two succeSSIre yeah in a WOOMW ot del circulation p*liehed r.thia said City, the date of the first pwblics- tion to be not less than fourteen date prior to Uw date set for said election. Smopt as otberrita provided in said Article 704, as aatnded, the moner of boMise said election shell be gm, aentd by the Ion gomraing gtatrat elactioni R. N. Pinson ,won't City of 8taptomori].31p 'iiflnCrs. It1 C & Mrsulare city aecretai?, city lies TMOSO w TO Sliest �}� " mm i OOVW Or ctm or IV1i6asgf. a I to the aim"s City searatwy or the City of awbourulso Tma, to hereby aartify that the aboro and fam oiag to a true, ftdj and Correct am of a rosolution *dagtad bey the City Comcil of the City of 8tsphevrille, 'lei (and of the oeimtse pertaining thereto) sot the M d OW of Jummy, 19510 mlliug an oleetien an the quotlan of the iseaaade ac ' $ZpOCO*00 Airport Dooede, Mori rabaution is of roaard in the MinUtOO of eait City Conn¢ii. 7� mr ow am seal 6t salt city, this tbaz 7 4�y of ftiN , moo (SUL)