HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 CAFR COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 PREPARED BY FINANCE DEPARTMENT CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Page Number INTRODUCTORY SECTION Letter of Transmittal ..................................................................................................... i – iv GFOA Certificate of Achievement ............................................................................... v Organizational Chart ..................................................................................................... vi Principal City Officials ................................................................................................. vii FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditors’ Report ....................................................................................... 1 – 2 Management’s Discussion and Analysis ...................................................................... 3 – 11 Basic Financial Statements Government-wide Financial Statements Statement of Net Assets .......................................................................................... 12 Statement of Activities ............................................................................................ 13 Fund Financial Statements Balance Sheet – Governmental Funds .................................................................... 14 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances – Governmental Funds ................................................................ 15 (continued) CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Page Number FINANCIAL SECTION (Continued) Fund Financial Statements (Continued) Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities ......................................................................................... 16 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances – Budget and Actual – General Fund .......................................... 17 – 19 Statement of Net Assets – Proprietary Funds ......................................................... 20 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets – Proprietary Funds .................................................................. 21 Statement of Cash Flows – Proprietary Funds ........................................................ 22 – 23 Notes to Financial Statements .................................................................................... 24 – 47 Combining Fund Statements and Schedules Nonmajor Governmental Funds Combining Balance Sheet ....................................................................................... 48 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances ................................................................................... 49 (continued) CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Page Number FINANCIAL SECTION (Continued) Combining Fund Statements and Schedules (Continued) Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance – Budget and Actual – Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax Fund ........................................................................................... 50 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance – Budget and Actual – Child Safety Fund .................................... 51 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance – Budget and Actual – Public Safety Fund ................................... 52 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance – Budget and Actual – Court Technology Fund ........................... 53 Nonmajor Debt Service Fund Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances – Budget and Actual .................................................................... 54 Nonmajor Enterprise Funds Combining Balance Sheet ....................................................................................... 55 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets ................................................................................ 56 Combining Statement of Cash Flows ..................................................................... 57 (continued) CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Table Page Number Number STATISTICAL SECTION (Unaudited) Net Assets by Component .............................................................................. 1 58 Changes in Net Assets ................................................................................... 2 59 – 62 Fund Balances – Governmental Funds .......................................................... 3 63 Changes in Fund Balances – Governmental Funds ....................................... 4 64 – 65 Assessed Value and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property ..................................................................................... 5 66 Direct and Overlapping Property Tax Rates .................................................. 6 67 Principal Property Taxpayers ......................................................................... 7 68 Property Tax Levies and Collections ............................................................. 8 69 Ratios of Outstanding Debt by Type ............................................................. 9 70 Ratios of Net General Bonded Debt Outstanding .......................................... 10 71 Direct and Overlapping Governmental Activities Debt ................................. 11 72 Legal Debt Margin and Tax Rate Limitations Information ........................... 12 73 Pledged Revenue Coverage ........................................................................... 13 74 Demographic and Economic Statistics .......................................................... 14 75 Principal Employers ....................................................................................... 15 76 Fulltime Equivalent City Government Employees by Function/Program ....................................................................................... 16 77 Operating Indicators by Function/Program ................................................... 17 78 Capital Asset Statistics by Function/Program ................................................ 18 79 (continued) CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Page Number REPORT REQUIRED BY GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Standards And on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance With Government Auditing Standards ................................................................................... 80 – 81 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY INTRODUCTORY SECTION THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY February 7, 2012 TO: The Honorable Mayor, Members of the City Council, and the Citizens of Stephenville (the “City”) Submitted herewith is a copy of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011. Responsibility for both the accuracy of the data and the completeness and fairness of presentation, including all disclosures, rests with the City. To the best of our knowledge and belief, the enclosed data is accurate in all material respects and is reported in a manner designed to present fairly the financial position and results of operations of the City. All disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain an understanding of the City’s financial activities have been included. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) requires that management provide a narrative introduction, overview, and analysis to accompany the basic financial statements in the form of management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A). This letter of transmittal is designed to complement the MD&A and should be read in conjunction with it. The City’s MD&A can be found immediately following the independent auditors’ report. THE REPORTING ENTITY The City is a political subdivision and municipal corporation of the State, duly organized and existing under the laws of the State and the City’s home rule Charter. The City was incorporated in 1889 and chartered a home-rule city under Texas law in 1961. The City occupies approximately 11.79 square miles and serves a population of about 17,480. The City is empowered by state statute to levy a tax on both real and business personal property located within its boundaries. The City also has the power by state statute to extend its corporate city limits by annexation, which is done periodically when deemed appropriate by the City Council. The City operates under the mayor-council form of government. Policy-making and legislative authority are vested in a governing council consisting of the mayor and eight (8) Council members. The City Council is responsible for, among other things, passing ordinances, adopting the budget, appointing committees, and hiring the City Administrator. The City Administrator is responsible for carrying out the policies and ordinances of the City Council, for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the City, and appointing heads of various departments. The Mayor and City Council members serve two (2) year terms. All elected officials are elected at large. The basic financial statements of the City include all governmental activities, organizations and functions for which the City is financially accountable as defined by the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Based on these criteria no other governmental organizations are included in this report. SERVICES PROVIDED The City provides a full range of services, including public safety (police, fire, and emergency medical), maintenance of streets and infrastructure, sanitation services, maintenance of the treated water distribution system and both sanitary and storm sewer collection and transmission systems, recreational activities and cultural events, landfill operations, airport facility maintenance as well as general administrative services. i ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AND BUDGETARY CONTROL The City’s accounting records for general governmental operations are maintained on the modified accrual basis, with the revenues being recorded when available and measurable and expenditures being recorded when the services or goods are received and the liabilities incurred. Accounting records for the City’s utilities are maintained on the accrual basis. In developing and maintaining the City’s accounting system, consideration is given to the adequacy of the internal control structure. Internal accounting controls are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance regarding: (1) the safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorized use or disposition; and (2) the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability of assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: (1) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the evaluation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. All internal control evaluations occur within the above framework. We believe that the City’s internal controls adequately safeguard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions. The annual budget serves as the foundation of the City’s financial planning and control. The City Council formally adopts the budget and legally appropriates available monies for activities of the General Fund, Enterprise Funds, Special Revenue Funds, the Debt Service Fund and Capital Improvements. st No later than August 1, the City Administrator submits to the City Council a proposed budget which provides a complete plan for the fiscal year commencing October 1. The budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them. The proposed budget is made available for public inspection and a public hearing is held to allow for citizen comment. After the public hearing, the Council may make changes to any item in the budget, except those fixed by law. No later than September 23, the budget is legally enacted via an ordinance which sets the limit on expenditures during the fiscal year. Additional expenditures may be authorized in the case of grave public necessity to meet unusual and unforeseen conditions which could not have reasonably been foreseen at the time the budget was adopted. The level of budgetary control (that is, the level at which expenditures cannot legally exceed the appropriated amount) is at the departmental level; however, expenditures are monitored monthly at the department level to insure financial accountability by department directors. Management control of budgets is further maintained at the line item level within the department. The City also maintains an encumbrance accounting system to further accomplish budgetary control. Under the City’s financial policies, encumbered amounts in the General Fund at year-end lapse. Encumbrances are generally re-appropriated as a part of the following year’s budget. As demonstrated by the statements and schedules included in the financial section of this report, the City continues to meet its responsibility for sound financial management. ECONOMY AND BUSINESS CLIMATE The City currently enjoys a fairly stable and diversified economic environment, bolstered by the strength of both the Cross Timbers area and the State of Texas. Local manufacturing includes coated abrasives, oilfield related products, cream cheese, fiber gratings and fasteners, metal processing of electrical products, trailer customizing, and forging pipe unions. Tarleton State University provides further economic stability as the largest employer. Agriculture is Stephenville’s leading industry with dairy, horse and cattle ranching, and agricultural crop production as the major economic contributors. Erath County is the state’s leading milk producer. Stephenville continues to act as a retail and medical hub of the area. The local unemployment rate of 6.5% continues to compare favorably with state and national levels. Property values, sales tax receipts and building activity reflect the area’s positive economic climate. ii The City’s ability to respond to on-going economic challenges will require careful long-range planning. The City has responded to the economy by fiscal conservatism and implementing operating budget efficiencies that have resulted in its maintaining healthy equity balances in its General Fund and Water/Wastewater Funds. Users of this document are encouraged to read the City’s Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Budget. The document details the City’s long-term goals and financial policies, describes program accomplishments and initiatives, and outlines the City’s capital improvement program. Also available for reference is the City of Stephenville’s Comprehensive Plan which was adopted in 2006 and maps out the City’s future strategies. LONG-TERM FINANCIAL PLANNING The City issued $4.0 million in Certificates of Obligation in October 2011 for the purpose of constructing a new Fire Station No. 2, and for major Street reconstruction projects. Construction is expected to begin on the Fire Station in July 2012 and to be completed by July 2013. The Fire Station is estimated to cost approximately $3.5 million. The City has designated $2.5 million towards the Fire Station the other $1 million will be coming from our reserves. The other $1.5 million of the issue is designated to fund Street reconstruction projects. ECONOMIC PROSPECT FOR THE FUTURE During 2011, the City participated in an Economic Development Program with Tejas Tubular to extend Caporal Drive by approximately 1,500 feet. By extending the drive it enabled Tejas Tubular to construct a new ERW mill on their site. The cost to the City was approximately $329 thousand and is expected to create approximately 10 to 20 new jobs for Stephenville as well as increasing the overall tax base. The City also participated in a tax abatement program with FMC Technologies Fluid Control Division to expand their facilities. The tax abatement helped to spur $12.5 million of facility improvements and $13.7 of capital machinery and equipment for the facility expansion. This expansion also is expected to create approximately 80 new jobs when completed in the Spring of 2012. INDEPENDENT AUDIT The City’s financial statements have been audited by Pattillo, Brown and Hill LLP, Independent Certified Public Accountants. The goal of the independent audit was to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements of the City for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011, are free of material misstatements. The independent audit involved examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management; and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. The independent auditor concluded, based upon the audit, that there was a reasonable basis for rendering an unqualified opinion that the City’s financial statements for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011, are fairly presented in conformity with GAAP. The independent auditors’ report is presented as the first component of the financial section of this report. iii AWARDS The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting to the City of Stephenville for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2010. The Certificate of Achievement is a prestigious national award recognizing conformance with the highest th standards for preparation of state and local government financial reports. This award was the 26 consecutive year that the City of Stephenville has achieved this prestigious award. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a government unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current comprehensive annual financial report continues to meet the Certificate of Achievement Program’s requirements and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another certificate. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The preparation of this report on a timely basis could not be accomplished without the efficient and dedicated services of the entire staff of the City. We would like to express our appreciation to all staff members who assisted and contributed to its preparation. We would also like to thank the Mayor and City Council members for their interest and support in planning and conducting the financial operations of the City in a responsible and progressive manner. iv Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Presented to City of Stephenville Texas For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2010 A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to government units and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting. v CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS ORGANIZATION CHART Citizens of Stephenville Mayor and City Council Boards & Commissions City Attorney City Administrator Municipal Judge City Secretary Community Finance/ Community Fire Utilities Police Development Administration Services Planning Fire Accounting Water Criminal Parks Suppression Production Investigation Fire Inspections Utility Billing Water Patrol Recreation Prevention Distribution Code Emergency Purchasing Wastewater Communications Cemeteries Enforcement Medical Services Collection Budget Wastewater Records Library Treatment Audit Landfill Animal Control Streets Investments Airport Customer Service Insurance Senior Citizens Water Pollution Control Human Resources vi CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS PRINCIPAL CITY OFFICIALS SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Mayor Nancy A. Hunter Council Members Joe Cude Dr. Malcom L. Cross Doug Svien Russ McDanel Alan Nash Alan Nix Martha Taylor Scott Evans City Administrator Mark A. Kaiser Director of Finance/Administration Walter G. Wood Director of Utilities Nick Williams Director of Community Development Betty Chew Police Chief Patrick Bridges Fire Chief Jimmy Chew Director of Community Services Drew Wells City Secretary Cindy Stafford vii THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY FINANCIAL SECTION THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT To the Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council City of Stephenville, Texas We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of City of Stephenville, Texas, as of and for the year ended September 30, 2011, which collectively comprise the City’s basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the City of Stephenville’s management. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinions. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Stephenville, Texas, as of September 30, 2011, and the respective changes in financial position, and cash flows, where applicable, thereof, and the budgetary comparison for the General Fund for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. As described in the notes to the financial statements, the City adopted the provisions of GASB Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions, in 2011. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated January 20, 2012, on our consideration of the City’s internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audit. 1 401 WEST HIGHWAY 6 P. O. BOX 20725 WACO, TX 76702-0725 (254) 772-4901 FAX: (254) 772-4920 www.pbhcpa.com AFFILIATE OFFICES: BROWNSVILLE, TX (956) 544-7778 HILLSBORO, TX (254) 582-2583 TEMPLE, TX (254) 791-3460 ALBUQUERQUE, NM (505) 266-5904 Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that the management's discussion and analysis on pages 3 through 11 be presented to supplement the basic financial statements. Such information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. We have applied certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which consisted of inquiries of management about the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management's responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the City’s financial statements as a whole. The introductory section, combining and individual nonmajor fund financial statements and schedules, and statistical section are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the financial statements. The combining and individual nonmajor fund financial statements and schedules are the responsibility of management and were derived from and relate directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements as a whole. The introductory and statistical sections have not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on it. January 20, 2012 2 MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Management's Discussion and Analysis This section of the City of Stephenville’s (City) annual financial report presents our discussion of the City’s financial performance during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011. Please read it in conjunction with the transmittal letter, which can be found preceding this narrative, and with the City’s financial statements, which follow this section. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The assets of the City exceed its liabilities as of September 30, 2011, by $57,985,258 (net assets). Of this amount, $13,705,352 (unrestricted net assets) may be used to meet the City’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors in accordance with the City’s fund designation and fiscal policies. The City's total net assets increased by $1,883,623. The majority of this increase is attributable to excess revenue over expenses in Water and Wastewater. As of the close of the current fiscal year, the City's governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $8,458,533, a decrease of $322,909 over the prior year. The decrease in combined ending fund balances is attributable to use of surplus funds for capital projects. Approximately 95% of this total amount, $8,015,503 is available for spending at the City’s discretion (assigned and unassigned fund balance). As of September 30, 2011, unassigned fund balance for the General Fund was $3,779,268 or 35 percent of total general fund expenditures. The City’s total bond debt decreased by $2,088,000 (8%) during the current fiscal year as a result of principal retirement. OVERVIEW OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS This discussion and analysis are intended to serve as an introduction to the City of Stephenville's basic financial statements. The City's basic financial statements comprise three components: 1) government- wide financial statements, 2) fund financial statements, and 3) notes to the financial statements. This report also contains other supplementary information in addition to the basic financial statements themselves. Government-wide Financial Statements. The government-wide financial statements are designed to provide readers with a broad overview of the City's finances, in a manner similar to a private-sector business. The Statement of Net Assets presents information on all of the City's assets and liabilities, with the difference between the two reported as net assets. Over time, increases or decreases in net assets may serve as a useful indicator of whether the financial position of the City of Stephenville is improving or deteriorating. The government-wide financial statements can be found on pages 12 -13 of this report. 3 The Statement of Activities presents information showing how the City's net assets changed during the most recent fiscal year. All changes in net assets are reported when the underlying event giving rise to the change occurs, regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Thus, revenues and expenses are reported in this statement for some items that will only result in cash flows in future fiscal periods (e.g., uncollected taxes and earned but unused compensation absences). Both the Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of Activities are prepared utilizing the accrual basis of accounting as opposed to the modified accrual basis. Both of the government-wide financial statements distinguish functions of the City that are principally supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues (governmental activities) from functions that are intended to recover all or a significant portion of their cost through user fees and charges (business-type activities). The governmental activities of the City include general government, public safety, streets, library, cemetery, culture and recreation, and community development. The business-type activities of the City include water and wastewater, storm water drainage, solid waste, and airport operations. Reporting the City’s Most Significant Funds Fund Financial Statements.The fund financial statements provide detailed information about the most significant funds, not the City as a whole. Funds are accounting devices that the City uses to keep track of specific sources of funding and spending for particular purposes. Some funds are required by state laws or bond covenants. The Council establishes other funds to control and manage money for particular purposes or as evidence of meeting legal responsibilities for using certain taxes, grants and other money. The City has two types of funds: governmental funds and proprietary funds. Governmental Funds. The majority of the City’s basic services are reported in governmental funds, which focus on how money flows into and out of those funds and the available balances at year-end. These funds are reported using an accounting method identified as the modified accrual basis of accounting, which measures cash and all other financial assets that can readily be converted to cash. The governmental fund statements provide a detailed short-term view of the City’s general government operations and the basic services it provides. Governmental fund information helps the reader determine whether there has been an increase of decrease in financial resources that can be spent in the near future to finance the City’s programs. By comparing information presented for governmental funds with similar information presented for governmental activities in the government-wide financial statements, readers may better understand the long-term impact of the government’s near-term financing decisions. The relationship or differences between governmental activities (reported in the Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of Activities) and governmental funds are detailed in a reconciliation following the fund financial statements. The basic governmental fund financial statements can be found on pages 14- 16 of this report. A budgetary comparison statement has been provided for the General Fund to demonstrate compliance with the annual appropriated budget. Data for the other governmental funds are combined into a single, aggregated presentation. Individual fund data for each of these nonmajor governmental funds is provided in the form of combining fund statements and schedules elsewhere in this report. 4 Proprietary Funds. The City charges customers for the services it provides through service delivery agreements to outside customers or through customer service agreements within the City. These services are generally reported in proprietary funds. Proprietary funds are reported in the same manner that all activities are reported in the Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of Activities. In fact, the City’s enterprise funds (a component of proprietary funds) are identical to the business-type activities that are reported in the government-wide statements, but with additional detail and information, such as cash flows. Individual proprietary fund data is found on pages 20 – 23 of this report. The City maintains one type of proprietary fund-Enterprise Funds. The City uses the Enterprise Funds to account for water, wastewater, storm water drainage, solid waste, and airport operations. All activities associated with providing such services are accounted for in these funds, including administration, operation, maintenance, debt service, capital improvements, billing and collection. The City’s intent is that costs of providing the services to the general public on a continuing basis is financed through user charges in a manner similar to a private enterprise. Notes to the Financial Statements. The notes provide additional information that is essential to a full understanding of the data provided in the government-wide and funds financial statements. The notes to the financial statements can be found on pages 24 – 47 of this report. Other Information. In addition to the basic financial statements and accompanying notes, this report also presents certain required supplementary information in the form of combining fund statements and schedules for nonmajor funds. These are presented immediately following the notes to the financial statements beginning on page 48 of this report. THE CITY AS A WHOLE GOVERNMENT WIDE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS The City’s combined net assets were $57,985,258 as of September 30, 2011, an increase of 3.4% compared to fiscal year ending 2010. As noted earlier, net assets may serve over time as a useful indicator of a government's financial position. Analyzing the net assets and net expenses of governmental and business-type activities separately, the business-type activities net assets are $32,801,826, an increase of $1,846,301 over prior year. The governmental activities net assets are $25,183,432, an increase of $37,322 over prior year. By far, the largest portion of the City's net assets (74 percent) reflects its investments in capital assets (e.g., land, buildings, machinery, equipment and infrastructure) less any outstanding debt used to acquire those assets. The City uses these capital assets to provide services to citizens; consequently, these assets are not available for future spending. Although the City’s investment in its capital assets is reported net of related debt, it should be noted that the resources needed to repay this debt must be provided from other sources, since the capital assets themselves cannot be used to liquidate these liabilities. An additional portion of the City’s net assets, $1,135,424, represents resources that are subject to external restrictions on how they may be used. The remaining balance of unrestricted net assets, $13,705,352, may be used to meet the City’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. 5 As of September 30, 2011, the City is able to report positive balances in all three categories of net assets, both for the City as a whole, as well as for its separate governmental and business-type activities. The same held true for the prior fiscal year. Overall, the City had an increase in net assets of $1,883,623. CITY OF STEPHENVILLE’S NET ASSETS Governmental ActivitiesBusiness-type ActivitiesTotals 201120102011201020112010 Current and other assets9,231,566$ 9,730,170$ 7,466,296$ 6,728,514$ 16,697,862$ 16,458,684$ 18,850,089 47,439,098 48,029,873 66,289,187 67,020,040 Capital assets 28,081,655 28,720,337 54,905,394 54,758,387 82,987,049 83,478,724 Total assets Liabilities420,768 606,286 968,823 846,996 1,389,591 1,453,282 2,967,941 21,119,385 22,955,866 23,589,544 25,923,807 2,470,159 Noncurrent liabilities 2,890,927 3,574,227 22,088,208 23,802,862 24,979,135 27,377,089 Total liabilities Net assets: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt16,605,859 16,763,870 26,538,623 25,323,978 43,144,482 42,087,848 Restricted420,877 429,976 714,547 690,998 1,135,424 1,120,974 8,156,696 7,952,264 5,548,656 4,940,549 13,705,352 12,892,813 Unrestricted $ 25,183,432 25,146,110$ 32,801,826$ 30,955,525$ 57,985,258$ 56,101,635$ Total net assets Governmental Activities. The City’s total revenues for governmental activities decreased from the previous year by $903,135 or 7%. General revenues increased $290,944 or 3% when compared to the prior year. The ad valorem tax revenue increased $142,925 or 4%. This increase was due to an increase in the tax rate of .0165 to .4600 per $100 assessed valuation. The effect of the tax rate on ad valorem tax revenue was partially offset by a decrease in net assessed taxable value from $896 million in the prior fiscal year to $885 million in the current year. The following table provides a summary of the City’s operations for the year ended September 30, 2011, with comparative totals for the year ended September 30, 2010. Governmental activities increased the City’s net assets by $37,322 or 2 percent of the total growth in net assets. 6 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE’S CHANGES IN NET ASSETS Governmental ActivitiesBusiness-type ActivitiesTotals 201120102011201020112010 Revenues: Program revenues: Charges for services1,722,659$ 1,569,968$ 7,092,932$ 6,232,051$ 8,815,591$ 7,802,019$ Operating grants 40,015 43,417 5,184 17,808 45,199 61,225 Capital grants and contributions258,933 1,602,301 528,471 402,702 787,404 2,005,003 General revenues: Property taxes4,122,467 3,979,542 - - 4,122,467 3,979,542 Sales taxes4,616,312 4,275,545 - - 4,616,312 4,275,545 Franchise taxes1,120,678 1,018,036 - - 1,120,678 1,018,036 Other taxes363,645 341,456 - - 363,645 341,456 Gain on sale of capital assets12,159 323,641 - - 12,159 323,641 Investment earnings13,517 32,294 5,151 6,714 18,668 39,008 26,870 - - 26,870 14,190 Miscellaneous 13,200,390 7,631,738 6,659,275 19,928,993 19,859,665 12,297,255 Total revenues Expenses: General government1,374,221 1,412,441 - - 1,374,221 1,412,441 Public safety6,274,700 6,252,861 - - 6,274,700 6,252,861 Streets1,479,381 1,426,590 - - 1,479,381 1,426,590 Culture and recreation2,522,284 2,438,756 - - 2,522,284 2,438,756 Community development374,335 427,769 - - 374,335 427,769 Interest on long-term debt97,809 141,220 - - 97,809 141,220 Water and wastewater- - 4,846,996 5,054,152 4,846,996 5,054,152 Storm water drainage- - 600,859 580,590 600,859 580,590 Sanitary landfill- - 313,982 294,407 313,982 294,407 -- 160,803 158,085 160,803 158,085 Airport 12,099,63712,122,730 5,922,640 6,087,234 18,045,370 18,186,871 Total expenses Increases in net assets before transfers174,525 1,100,753 1,709,098 572,041 1,883,623 1,672,794 ( 137,203)( 137,203 112,834 - - Transfers Change in net assets37,322 987,919 1,846,301 684,875 1,883,623 1,672,794 Net assets - beginning25,146,110 24,158,191 30,955,525 30,181,049 56,101,635 54,339,240 -- - 89,601 - 89,601 Prior period adjustment $ 25,146,11025,183,432$ 32,801,826$ 30,955,525$ 57,985,258$ 56,101,635$ Net assets - ending Business-type Activities. Revenues of the City’s business-type activities were approximately $7.6 million for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011. Revenues increased approximately $972,463 or 15% compared to the prior fiscal year. Expenses for the City’s business-type activities decreased approximately $164,594 or 3%. Net Assets from business-type activities increased by $1,846,301 or 6 percent, from $30,955,525 to $32,801,826, accounting for the other 98 percent of the total growth in net assets. 7 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE GOVERNMENT’S FUNDS As noted earlier, the City uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance- related legal requirements. Governmental Funds. The focus of the City’s governmental funds is to provide information on near- term inflows, outflows, and balances of spendable resources. Such information is useful in assessing the City’s financing requirements. In particular, unassigned fund balance may serve as a useful measure of a government’s net resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year. As of the end of the current fiscal year, the City’s governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $8,458,533, a decrease of $332,909, from the prior year. The decrease in combined fund balance is primarily attributable to use of surplus funds for capital projects. Approximately 95% of this total amount, $8,015,503, constitutes assigned and unassigned fund balance, which is available for spending at the City’s discretion. The remainder of fund balance is restricted to indicate that it is not available for new spending because it is required to be used for certain purposes. Refer to page 14 of this report for a more detailed presentation of governmental fund balances. In the General Fund, the City budgeted for a decrease in the fund balance on a budget basis of $916,760 but due to actual revenues being more than budgeted and actual expenditures being less than budgeted, the fund balance increased by $342,804 during the current fiscal year. Sales tax collections increased by 8% from the previous year but the City collected 9% more than budgeted. Other actual revenues collected were also higher than budgeted: 1) current year and delinquent property taxes were collected at higher rates than projected to generate $146,327; 2) licenses and permit fees were $153,969 more than budgeted; and 3) service charges were also higher than budgeted by $103,746. Expenditures were lower than budgeted mainly because capital outlays were lower. The Capital Projects Fund has a fund balance of $486,235, a decrease of 58 percent, all of which is restricted for specific construction projects. The Debt Service Fund has a fund balance of $106,908, a decrease of 15 percent, all of which is reserved for the repayment of debt. The Special Revenue Funds have a fund balance of $317,286, an increase of 6 percent, all of which is restricted for the special programs defined by revenue source. Proprietary Funds. The City's proprietary funds provide the same type of information found in the government-wide financial statements, but in more detail. Unrestricted net assets of the City's Enterprise Funds at the end of the year amounted to $5,548,656. The increase in net assets was $1,846,301. Other factors concerning the finances of these funds have already been addressed in the discussion of the City's business-type activities. General Fund Budgetary Highlights During the year there was a $481,449 increase in appropriations between the original budget and final amended budget. Following are the main components of the increase: $16,000 additional appropriation in the Park department for a replacement pickup truck. 8 $20,000 additional appropriation in the Street department for a replacement pickup truck. $50,000 additional appropriation for street reconstruction. $63,000 additional appropriation for energy efficient window replacement at City Hall. $90,000 additional appropriation in the Police department for (3) patrol vehicles. Even with these increases in appropriations, the excess in revenues during the year was sufficient to fund these increases without reducing the budgeted General Fund fund balance. Actual expenditures were $10,735,586 compared to the final budgeted expenditures of $11,127,490. The $392,354 variance was primarily attributable to capital projects not initiated during the year, close monitoring of expenditures by departments and performing better than anticipated. Actual revenues on a budgetary basis were $11,179,128 compared to the final budget of $10,359,179. The $819,949 variance was due primarily to increases in taxes (sales and property), ambulance revenue and licenses/permit fees. Capital Assets. The City's investment in capital assets for its governmental and business-type activities as of September 30, 2011, amounts to $66,289,187 (net of accumulated depreciation). This investment in capital assets includes land, buildings, improvements, vehicles and equipment, park facilities and infrastructure. Major capital asset events occurring during the current fiscal year included the following: Bosque River Trail $16,264; Storm Water Drainage improvements: $33,306; Surface Water Supply Project $207,375; Sewer Line Replacement $375,273; Major Thoroughfare Renovation Project $603,334; Approximately $61,809 of water lines was donated by developers; Approximately $102,049 of sewer lines was donated by developers; and Streets and sidewalks worth approximately $190,037 were donated by developers. CITY OF STEPHENVILLE’S CAPITAL ASSETS AT YEAR-END Governmental ActivitiesBusiness-type ActivitiesTotals 201120102011201020112010 Land2,323,057$ 2,321,250$ 909,278$ 909,278$ 3,232,335$ 3,230,528$ Buildings and improvements4,750,224 4,674,820 17,606,457 17,557,688 22,356,681 22,232,508 Equipment6,408,502 6,299,906 2,631,963 2,506,836 9,040,465 8,806,742 Infrastructure18,205,713 17,389,347 50,662,037 49,736,299 68,867,750 67,125,646 Construction in progress- - 100,249 76,315 100,249 76,315 Less: accumulated ( 12,837,407) 11,695,156)( 24,470,886)( 22,756,543)( 37,308,293)( 34,451,699)( depreciation 18,990,167$ 47,439,098$ 48,029,873$ 66,289,187$ 67,020,040$ $ 18,850,089 Total capital assets Additional information on the City's capital assets can be found on page 36 – 37 of this report. 9 DEBT ADMINISTRATION At the end of the current fiscal year, the City had total bonded debt of $22,946,865. Of this amount, $2,185,000 represents bonded debt backed by the full faith and credit of the City, $12,900,000 represents utility revenue bonds secured by water and sewer revenues and $146,865 represents revenue bonds secured by airport revenues, and $7,715,000 secured by storm water drainage revenues. OUTSTANDING DEBT AT YEAR-END Governmental ActivitiesBusiness-type ActivitiesTotals 201120102011201020112010 Certificates of obligations2,185,000$ 2,605,000$ -$ -$ 2,185,000$ 2,605,000$ Revenue bonds - 20,761,865 22,429,865 20,761,865 22,429,865 payable $ 2,605,0002,185,000$ 20,761,865$ 22,429,865$ 22,946,865$ 25,034,865$ The City's General Obligation, Tax and Certificates of Obligation Bond ratings are listed below. Moody'sStandard Investors Service& Poor's General Obligation BondsA3A+ Additional information on the City’s long term-debt can be found in pages 39 – 42 this report. ECONOMIC FACTORS AND NEXT YEAR’S BUDGETS AND RATES The unemployment rate for the City of Stephenville as of the fiscal year-end was 6.50% compared to the prior year rate of 7.0% which is an indication that the local economy is starting to stabilize. This rate compares favorably with state and national unemployment levels. Sales tax collections for 2010-2011 were up by 8% compared to the previous year and collections still exceeded budget by $366,313. The economy seems to be on a rebound but we are still taking a conservative approach in determining estimated collections for the upcoming budget year. 10 The above factors were considered in preparing the City of Stephenville’s budget for the 2011-12 fiscal year. Accordingly, next years’ budget incorporates a $.0250 increase in the property tax rate to $.4850 per $100 valuation. Certified taxable property value for 2011 is $895 million. This is a 1.47% increase over the last year’s values, or $13 million. The largest portion of the increase, $7 million, is new property coming onto the tax rolls and the remainder of the increase due to the reevaluation of existing property. The City uses funds from the General Fund to supplement capital projects during the year as needs arise and where favorable unit pricing is received on such projects. Additionally, the City’s Fiscal Management Practices call for the designation of any surplus of revenues over expenses at fiscal year-end as a means of providing resources for major capital projects. There are ample funds for transfers during 2012, should the City Council so desire, and still retain the minimum fund balance provisions established by the Fiscal Management Practices. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION This financial report is designed to provide a general overview of the City's finances for all those with an interest in the government's finances. Questions concerning any of the information provided in this report or requests for additional information should be addressed to Walter G. Wood, Director of Finance, 298 West Washington, Stephenville, Texas 76401-4257 or call (254) 918-1211. 11 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 GovernmentalBusiness-type ActivitiesActivitiesTotal ASSETS Cash and investments7,751,573$ 4,955,292$ 12,706,865$ Receivables (net of allowances for uncollectibles): Taxes1,082,694 - 1,082,694 Accounts373,356 1,162,189 1,535,545 Internal balances12,393)( 12,393 - Inventory18,836 - 18,836 Restricted investments- 969,392 969,392 Deferred charges17,500 367,030 384,530 Capital assets: Land2,323,057 909,278 3,232,335 Buildings and improvements4,750,224 17,606,457 22,356,681 Machinery and equipment6,408,502 2,631,963 9,040,465 Infrastructure/water and wastewater distribution18,205,713 50,662,037 68,867,750 Construction in progress- 100,249 100,249 ( 24,470,886)12,837,407)( 37,308,293)( Less: accumulated depreciation 47,439,09818,850,089 66,289,187 Total capital assets 54,905,39428,081,655 82,987,049 Total assets LIABILITIES Accounts payable309,414 540,324 849,738 Accrued liabilities100,656 13,956 114,612 Accrued interest payable10,698 210,166 220,864 Customer deposits- 204,377 204,377 Unearned revenue7,296 15,360 22,656 Noncurrent liabilities: Due within one year510,159 1,860,774 2,370,933 19,258,6111,960,000 21,218,611 Due in more than one year 22,103,5682,898,223 25,001,791 Total liabilities NET ASSETS Invested in capital assets, net of related debt16,605,859 26,538,623 43,144,482 Restricted for: Retirement of long-term debt103,591 714,547 818,138 Tourism248,772 - 248,772 Child and public safety33,524 - 33,524 Court technology34,990 - 34,990 5,548,6568,156,696 13,705,352 Unrestricted $ 32,801,82625,183,432$ 57,985,258$ Total net assets The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 12 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Net (Expense) Revenue and Program RevenuesChanges in Net Assets OperatingCapital Charges forGrants andGrants andGovernmentalBusiness-type Functions/ProgramsExpensesServicesContributionsContributionsActivitiesActivitiesTotal Governmental activities General government$ 216,8701,374,221$ 7,960$ 57,576$ 1,091,815$( -)$ 1,091,815$() Public safety 893,2076,274,700 6,440 - 5,375,053( -) 5,375,053() Streets 24,4191,479,381 - 190,037 1,264,925( -) 1,264,925() Culture and recreation 338,6622,522,284 25,615 11,320 2,146,687( -) 2,146,687() Community developmen374,335 249,501 - - 124,834( -) 124,834() -97,809 - - 97,809)( - 97,809)( Interest on long-term debt 12,122,730 1,722,659 40,015 258,933 10,101,123)( - 10,101,123)( Total governmental activities Business-type activities Water and wastewater 6,147,6064,846,996 - 445,851 - 1,746,461 1,746,461 Sanitary landfill 277,985313,982 - - - 35,997( 35,997)() Airport160,803 76,015 5,184 82,620 - 3,016 3,016 591,326600,859 - - - 9,533)( 9,533)( Storm water drainage 7,092,9325,922,640 5,184 528,471 - 1,703,947 1,703,947 Total business-type activities $ 18,045,370 8,815,591$ 45,199$ 787,404$ 10,101,123)( 1,703,947 8,397,176)( Total General revenues: Taxes: Property - generalpurpose3,595,948 - 3,595,948 Property - debt service -526,519 526,519 Sales -4,616,312 4,616,312 Franchise -1,120,678 1,120,678 Other -363,645 363,645 Gain on sale of capital assets -12,159 12,159 Investment earnings 5,15113,517 18,668 Miscellaneous 26,870 - 26,870 ( 137,203137,203) - Transfers 10,138,445 142,354 10,280,799 Total general revenues and transfers Change in net assets 1,846,30137,322 1,883,623 25,146,110 30,955,525 56,101,635 Net assets, beginning $ 25,183,432 32,801,826$ 57,985,258$ Net assets, ending The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 13 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS BALANCE SHEET GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 OtherTotal GovernmentalGovernmental GeneralFundsFunds ASSETS Cash and investments6,807,887$ 943,686$ 7,751,573$ Receivables (net of allowance for uncollectibles): Taxes980,894 101,800 1,082,694 Accounts373,356 - 373,356 -18,836 18,836 Inventory 1,045,4868,180,973 9,226,459 Total assets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Accounts payable194,131 111,692 305,823 Accrued liabilities100,656 - 100,656 Due to other funds- 12,393 12,393 Deferred revenue338,082 7,381 345,463 3,591- 3,591 Other liabilities 135,057632,869 767,926 Total liabilities Fund balances: Nonspendable 18,836 - 18,836 Restricted for: Retirement of long-term debt- 106,908 106,908 Tourism- 248,772 248,772 Child and public safety- 33,524 33,524 Court technology- 34,990 34,990 Assigned for: Right of way1,500,000 - 1,500,000 Capital projects1,000,000 486,235 1,486,235 Grant matching1,000,000 - 1,000,000 Facilities200,000 - 200,000 Economic development50,000 - 50,000 -3,779,268 3,779,268 Unassigned 910,4297,548,104 Total fund balances 8,458,533 $ 1,045,4868,180,973$ Total liabilities and fund balances Capitalassetsusedingovernmentalactivitiesarenotfinancialresourcesandthereforearenotreportedinthe funds. 18,850,089 Otherlong-termassetsarenotavailabletopayforcurrent-periodexpendituresand,therefore,aredeferredinthe 338,167 funds. Long-term liabilities are not due and payable in the current period and therefore are not reported in the funds. (2,463,357) $ 25,183,432 Net assets of governmental activities The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 14 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 OtherTotal GovernmentalGovernmental GeneralFundsFunds REVENUES Taxes: Property3,618,710$ 531,674$ 4,150,384$ Sales4,616,312 - 4,616,312 Franchise1,120,678 - 1,120,678 Other41,373 322,272 363,645 Service charges1,076,971 - 1,076,971 Fines and forfeitures270,178 24,897 295,075 Licenses and permits255,269 - 255,269 Intergovernmental132,492 15,018 147,510 Investment earnings9,168 4,349 13,517 -37,977 37,977 Miscellaneous 11,179,128 898,210 12,077,338 Total revenues EXPENDITURES Current: General government1,319,243 - 1,319,243 Public safety6,069,057 15,756 6,084,813 Streets937,367 - 937,367 Culture and recreation1,833,813 355,955 2,189,768 Community development367,228 - 367,228 Debt service: Principal - 420,000 420,000 Interest and fiscal charges- 98,117 98,117 680,448208,878 889,326 Capital outlay 10,735,586 1,570,276 12,305,862 Total expenditures EXCESS(DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES 672,066)443,542( 228,524)( OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers in237,443 54,609 292,052 Transfers out370,999)( 58,256)( 429,255)( Proceeds from sale of capital assets27,316 - 27,316 -5,502 5,502 Proceeds from insurance ( 3,647)100,738)( 104,385)( Total other financing sources (uses) 675,713)342,804( 332,909)( NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES 1,586,1427,205,300 8,791,442 FUND BALANCES, BEGINNING $ 910,4297,548,104$ 8,458,533$ FUND BALANCES, ENDING The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 15 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS RECONCILIATION OF THE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS TO THE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 AmountsreportedforgovernmentalactivitiesintheStatementofActivities(page13)are different because: Net change in fund balances - total governmental funds (page 15)332,909)$( Governmentalfundsreportcapitaloutlaysasexpenditures.However,inthestatementof activitiesthecostofthoseassetsisallocatedovertheirestimatedusefullivesandreportedas depreciation expense.( 250,867) Theneteffectofvariousmiscellaneoustransactionsinvolvingcapitalassets(i.e.,sales,trade- ins, and donations) is to increase net assets.174,880 Revenuesinthestatementofactivitiesthatdonotprovidecurrentfinancialresourcesarenot reported as revenues in the funds. 12,219 Therepaymentoftheprincipaloflong-termdebtconsumesthecurrentfinancialresourcesof governmental funds. However, this has no effect on net assets. 420,000 Someexpensesreportedinthestatementofactivitiesdonotrequiretheuseofcurrent financial resources and, therefore, are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds. 13,999 $ 37,322 Change in net assets of governmental activities (page 13) The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 16 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Budgeted Amounts ActualVariance with OriginalFinalAmountsFinal Budget REVENUES Taxes8,777,858$ 8,836,578$ 9,397,073$ 560,495$ Service charges973,225973,2251,076,971 103,746 Fines and forfeitures250,000290,000270,178 19,822)( Licenses and permits101,300101,300255,269 153,969 Intergovernmental63,600127,176132,492 5,316 Investment earnings5,5009,5009,168 332)( 21,40013,400 37,977 16,577 Miscellaneous 10,184,883 10,359,179 11,179,128 819,949 Total revenues EXPENDITURES Current: General government: City council54,08862,08854,2087,880 City administrator130,228131,025130,254771 City secretary88,99889,79584,4285,367 Emergency management6,8506,8507,360510)( Municipal buildings125,791126,588108,80917,779 Municipal Service Center99,749100,54691,4739,073 Financial administration and accounting346,838349,231341,0748,157 Purchasing58,39759,19457,9081,286 Tax assessment and collection119,000119,000117,8801,120 Legal counsel66,05186,84883,0493,799 Municipal court120,000140,000143,8803,880)( 108,582107,785 98,920 9,662 Human resources 1,379,7471,323,775 1,319,243 60,504 Total general government Public safety: Fire and ambulance administration210,198211,793211,84956)( Fire prevention and investigation159,127160,72289,75770,965 Fire suppression1,047,3531,160,2201,170,0599,839)( Emergency medical services1,102,2571,013,422989,00724,415 Volunteer30,16930,16920,00610,163 Police administration121,878122,675117,2285,447 Police patrol1,929,9361,971,4681,941,28530,183 Police communications419,730426,110423,1073,003 Police records186,128192,621190,9851,636 Criminal investigation608,464588,197513,69274,505 (continued) 17 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL (Continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Budgeted Amounts ActualVariance with OriginalFinalAmountsFinal Budget EXPENDITURES(Continued) Current: Public safety (continued): Police reserve76,633$ 98,430$ 96,010$ 2,420$ Animal control118,349119,944117,2402,704 203,468202,671 188,832 14,636 Public safety facility 6,299,2396,212,893 6,069,057 230,182 Total public safety Streets: 949,632864,049 937,367 12,265 Street maintenance 949,632864,049 937,367 12,265 Total streets Culture and recreation: Recreation administration680,855684,843692,1167,273)( Park maintenance441,168445,156447,3692,213)( Cemeteries 133,733135,328130,4374,891 Library203,321222,614219,1693,445 Senior citizens center127,363142,660136,1976,463 228,685228,685 208,525 20,160 Aquatic Center 1,859,2861,815,125 1,833,813 25,473 Total culture and recreation Community development: Community development planning180,526182,120174,4567,664 Community development inspection177,034178,628148,68529,943 67,38673,089 44,087 23,299 Code enforcement 428,134430,649 367,228 60,906 Total community development 10,646,491 10,916,038 10,526,708 389,330 Total current (continued) 18 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL (Continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Budgeted Amounts ActualVariance with OriginalFinalAmountsFinal Budget EXPENDITURES(Continued) Capital outlay: General government: $ 63,576-$ 61,297$ 2,279$ Municipal buildings 63,576- 61,297 2,279 Total general government Public safety: Police patrol- 90,00091,2891,289)( Volunteer- 11,77610,7111,065 2,250- 2,250 - JAG grant 104,026- 104,250 224)( Total public safety Streets: 20,000- 19,705 295 Street maintenance 20,000- 19,705 295 Total streets Culture and recreation: 17,800- 17,094 706 Park maintenance 17,800- 17,094 706 Total culture and recreation Community development: 6,500- 6,532 32)( Community development planning 6,500- 6,532 32)( Total community development 211,902- 208,878 3,024 Total capital outlay 10,646,491 11,127,940 10,735,586 392,354 Total expenditures EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES ( 768,761)461,608)( 443,542 1,212,303 OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers in206,000206,000 237,44331,443 Transfers out93,282)( 370,999)( 370,999)( - Proceeds from sale of capital assets7,000 17,000 27,316 10,316 -- 5,502 5,502 Proceeds from insurance 147,999)119,718( 100,738)( 47,261 Total other financing sources (uses) ( 916,760)341,890)( 342,804 1,259,564 NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 7,205,3007,205,300 7,205,300 - FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING $ 6,288,5406,863,410$ 7,548,104$ 1,259,564$ FUND BALANCE, ENDING The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 19 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS PROPRIETARY FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Business-type Activities - Enterprise Funds Water andStorm WaterOther WastewaterDrainageFundsTotal ASSETS Current assets: Cash and investments3,662,572$ 1,092,881$ 199,839$ 4,955,292$ Accounts receivable - net 1,094,355 62,109 5,725 1,162,189 Due from other funds12,393 - - 12,393 251,562717,830 - 969,392 Restricted investments 1,406,5525,487,150 205,564 7,099,266 Total current assets Noncurrent assets: Deferred charges100,910 74,981 191,139 367,030 Capital assets: Land163,721 - 745,557 909,278 Buildings and improvements2,349,136 10,193,0225,064,299 17,606,457 Equipment1,474,535 - 1,157,428 2,631,963 Water and wastewater distribution50,662,037- - 50,662,037 Construction in progress- - 100,249 100,249 ( 508,819)22,198,739)( 1,763,328)( 24,470,886)( Less: accumulated depreciation 9,684,20332,450,690 5,304,205 47,439,098 Total capital assets 9,759,18432,551,600 5,495,344 47,806,128 Total noncurrent assets 11,165,73638,038,750 5,700,908 54,905,394 Total assets LIABILITIES Current liabilities: Accounts payable 10,216525,465 4,643 540,324 Accrued liabilities12,273 - 1,683 13,956 Accrued interest160,826 38,508 10,832 210,166 Customer deposits203,477 - 900 204,377 Unearned revenue- - 15,360 15,360 Capital lease- - 94,460 94,460 Bonds payable1,490,000 225,000 19,000 1,734,000 3,081- 32,314 29,233 Compensated absences payable 273,7242,421,274 149,959 2,844,957 Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities: Capital lease- - 99,661 99,661 Bonds payable11,410,0007,490,000 127,865 19,027,865 -- 131,085 131,085 Liability for landfill closure 7,490,00011,410,000 358,611 19,258,611 Total long-term liabilities 7,763,72413,831,274 508,570 22,103,568 Total liabilities NET ASSETS Invested in capital assets, net of related debt19,550,6902,024,714 4,963,219 26,538,623 Restricted for debt service557,004 157,543 - 714,547 1,219,7554,099,782 229,119 5,548,656 Unrestricted $ 3,402,01224,207,476$ 5,192,338$ 32,801,826$ Total net assets The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 20 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS PROPRIETARY FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Business-type Activities - Enterprise Funds Water andStorm WaterOther WastewaterDrainageFundsTotal OPERATING REVENUES Water sales3,657,521$ -$ -$ 3,657,521$ Wastewater charges2,314,475 - - 2,314,475 Tap and collection fees123,212 - - 123,212 Delinquent charges29,792 5,656 - 35,448 Gate charges- - 276,833 276,833 Hanger rental 69,72969,729 Storm water drainage fees- 585,670 - 585,670 -22,606 7,438 30,044 Other service charges 591,3266,147,606 354,000 7,092,932 Total operating revenues OPERATING EXPENSES Personnel services992,276- 130,255 1,122,531 Contractual services1,040,380- 21,359 1,061,739 Utilities603,898- 31,127 635,025 Repairs and maintenance268,21830,32130,497 329,036 Other 201,24420137,878 239,323 254,8261,256,933 202,584 1,714,343 Depreciation 285,3484,362,949 453,700 5,101,997 Total operating expenses 305,9781,784,657 99,700)( 1,990,935 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Investment earnings3,2891,746116 5,151 Interest and fiscal charges on debt543,289)( 315,511)( 21,085)( 879,885)( Intergovernmental 5,184- 5,184 - -59,242 - 59,242 Gain on sale of assets ( 313,765)480,758)( 15,785)( 810,308)( Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS 7,787)1,303,899( 115,485)( 1,180,627 AND TRANSFERS -445,851 82,620 528,471 CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS -58,256 316,390 374,646 TRANSFERS IN ( -237,443) - 237,443)( TRANSFERS OUT 7,787)1,570,563( 283,525 1,846,301 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 22,636,913 3,409,799 4,908,813 30,955,525 TOTAL NET ASSETS, BEGINNING $ 24,207,476 3,402,012$ 5,192,338$ 32,801,826$ TOTAL NET ASSETS, ENDING The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 21 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS PROPRIETARY FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Business-type Activities - Enterprise Funds Water andStorm WaterOther WastewaterDrainageFundsTotal CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from customers6,068,687$ 595,452$ 370,849$ 7,034,988$ Cash payments to employees997,075)( - 131,056)( 1,128,131)( ( 30,306)2,023,285)( 114,342)( 2,167,933)( Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services 565,1463,048,327 125,451 3,738,924 Cash provided by operating activities CASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Interfund receivables repaid by other funds2,129,690 - - 2,129,690 Cash received from operating grant- - 5,184 5,184 Transfers from other funds58,256 - - 58,256 ( -237,443) - 237,443)( Transfers to other funds -1,950,503 5,184 1,955,687 Cash provided by noncapital financing activities CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES Principal payments on capital lease- - 170,619)( 170,619)( Principal payments on bonds1,435,000)( 215,000)( 18,000)( 1,668,000)( Interest and fiscal charges on debt535,457)( 312,315)( 29,155)( 876,927)( Grant match for capital grant- - 191,148)( 191,148)( Grant proceeds restricted to capital acquisition281,993 - - 281,993 Transfers from other funds for capital acquisition- - 316,390 316,390 Proceeds from sale of capital assets59,242 - - 59,242 ( 33,306)743,708)( 33,083)( 810,097)( Acquisition and construction of capital assets Cash used by capital and ( 560,621)2,372,930)( 125,615)( 3,059,166)( related financing activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 1,7463,289 116 5,151 Investment income 1,7463,289 116 5,151 Cash provided by investing activities NET INCREASE IN CASH AND 6,2712,629,189 5,136 2,640,596 CASH EQUIVALENTS 1,338,1721,751,213 194,703 3,284,088 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING $ 1,344,4434,380,402$ 199,839$ 5,924,684$ CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, ENDING (Including $717,830 for the Water and Wastewater fund and $251,562 for the Storm Water Drainage fund in restricted investments) (continued) 22 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS PROPRIETARY FUNDS (Continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Business-type Activities - Enterprise Funds Water andStorm WaterOther WastewaterDrainageFundsTotal RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Operating income (loss)1,784,657$ 305,978$ 99,700)$( 1,990,935$ Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation1,256,933 254,826 202,584 1,714,343 Change in assets and liabilities: Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable70,755)( 4,126 1,389 65,240)( Increase (decrease) in accounts payable90,455 216 3,049 93,720 Increase (decrease) in accrued liabilities3,371)( - 2,573 798)( Increase (decrease) in unearned revenue- - 15,360 15,360 Increase (decrease) in customer deposits8,164)( - 100 8,064)( ( -1,428) 96 1,332)( Increase (decrease) in compensated absences 259,1681,263,670 225,151 1,747,989 Total adjustments $ 565,1463,048,327$ 125,451$ 3,738,924$ Net cash provided by operating activities NONCASH INVESTING, CAPITAL, AND FINANCING ACTIVITIES $ -163,858$ 82,620$ 246,478$ Contributions of capital assets The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 23 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 I. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The City of Stephenville, Texas, was incorporated August 6, 1989, and operates as a home rule City. The City operates under a mayor-council form of government and provides the following services as authorized by its charter, general government, public safety (police, fire and EMS), streets, community development (planning and zoning, licensing, permitting and inspection), water and wastewater system, culture and recreation, airport and sanitary landfill. A. Reporting Entity The accompanying financial statements comply with the provisions of the GASB Statements No. 14 and 39, “The Financial Reporting Entity,” in that the financial statements include all organizations, activities, functions and component units for which the City (the “primary government”) is financially accountable. Financial accountability is defined as the appointment of a voting majority of a legally separate organization’s governing body and either (1) the City’s ability to impose its will over the organization, or (2) the potential that the organization will provide a financial benefit to or impose a financial burden on the City. There are no component units which satisfy requirements for blending within the City’s financial statements or for discrete presentation. B. Government-wide Fund Financial Statements The government-wide financial statements (i.e., the statement of net assets and the statement of activities) report information on all of the nonfiduciary activities of the primary government. For the most part, the effect of interfund activity has been removed from these statements. Governmental activities, which normally are supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenue, are reported separately from business-type activities, which rely to a significant extent on fees and charges for support. The statement of activities demonstrates the degree to which the direct expenses of a given function or segment are offset by program revenue. Direct expenses are those that are clearly identifiable with a specific function or segment. Program revenue includes 1) charges to customers or applicants who purchase, use, or directly benefit from goods, services, or privileges provided by a given function or segment, and 2) grants and contributions that are restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular function or segment. Taxes and other items not properly included among program revenue are reported instead as general revenue. (continued) 24 I. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) B. Government-wide Fund Financial Statements (Continued) Separate financial statements are provided for governmental funds and proprietary funds. Major individual governmental funds and major individual enterprise funds are reported as separate columns in the fund financial statements. C. Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting and Financial Statement Presentation The government-wide financial statements are reported using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting, as are the proprietary fund and fiduciary fund financial statements. Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when a liability is incurred, regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Property taxes are recognized as revenue in the year for which they are levied. Grants and similar items are recognized as revenue as soon as all eligibility requirements imposed by the provider have been met. Governmental fund financial statements are reported using the current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized as soon as they are both measurable and available. Revenues are considered to be available when they are collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to pay liabilities of the current period. For this purpose, the government considers revenue to be available if collected within 60 days of the end of the current fiscal period. Expenditures generally are recorded when a liability is incurred, as under accrual accounting. However, debt service expenditures, as well as expenditures related to compensated absences and claims and judgments, are recorded only when payment is due. Property taxes, franchise taxes, sales taxes, charges for services, fines and interest associated with the current fiscal period are all considered to be susceptible to accrual and so have been recognized as revenue of the current fiscal period. All other revenue items are considered to be measurable and available only when cash is received by the City. Governmental Funds are those through which most governmental functions of the City are financed. The acquisition, use, and balances of the City’s expendable financial resources and the related liabilities (except those accounted for in the proprietary fund type) are accounted for through governmental funds. The measurement focus is upon determination of changes in financial position, rather than upon net income determination. (continued) 25 I. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) C. Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting and Financial Statement Presentation (Continued) The City reports the following major governmental funds: TheGeneral Fund – is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. The City reports the following major proprietary funds: TheWater and Wastewater Fund– is used to account for the activities necessary for the provisions of water and wastewater services. TheStorm Water Drainage Fund– is used to account for the activities necessary for the provisions of storm water drainage services. Private-sector standards of accounting and financial reporting issued prior to December 1, 1989, generally are followed in both the government-wide and proprietary fund financial statements to the extent that those standards do not conflict with or contradict guidance of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Governments also have the option of following subsequent private-sector guidance for their business-type activities and Enterprise Funds, subject to this same limitation. The City has elected not to follow subsequent private-sector guidance. As a general rule, the effect of interfund activity has been eliminated from the government- wide financial statements. Exceptions to this general rule are charges between the City’s water and wastewater function and various other functions of the government. Elimination of these charges would distort the direct costs and program revenue reported for the various functions concerned. Amounts reported as program revenues include: 1) charges to customers or applicants for goods, services, or privileges provided, 2) operating grants and contributions, and 3) capital grants and contributions, including special assessments. Internally dedicated resources are reported as general revenues rather than as program revenue. Likewise, general revenue includes all taxes. (continued) 26 I. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) C. Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting and Financial Statement Presentation (Continued) Proprietary funds distinguish operating revenues and expenses from nonoperating items. Operating revenues and expenses generally result from providing services and producing and delivering goods in connection with a proprietary fund’s principal ongoing operations. The principal operating revenues of the City’s enterprise funds are charges to customers for sales and services. Operating expenses for enterprise funds include the cost of sales and services, administrative expenses, and depreciation on capital assets. All revenue and expenses not meeting this definition are reported as nonoperating revenue and expenses. D. Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets or Equity Cash and Cash Equivalents For purpose of presenting the proprietary fund cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents include cash demand and time deposits and investments with a maturity date within three months of the date acquired by the City. Investments State statutes authorize the City to invest in (1) obligations of the United States or its agencies and instrumentalities; (2) direct obligations of the State of Texas or its agencies; (3) other obligations, the principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed or insured by the State of Texas or the United States; (4) obligations of states, agencies, counties, cities, and other political subdivisions of any state having been rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm and having received a rating of not less than “A” or its equivalent; (5) certificates of deposit by state and national banks domiciled in this state that are (a) guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or its successor; or, (b) secured by obligations that are described by (1) – (4); or, (6) fully collateralized direct repurchase agreements having a defined termination date, secured by obligations described by (1) pledged with third-party selected or approved by the City, and placed through a primary government securities dealer. Investments maturing within one year of date of purchase are stated at cost or amortized cost. All other investments are stated at fair value, which is based on quoted market prices. Short-term Interfund Receivables/Payables During the course of operations, numerous transactions occur between individual funds for goods provided or services rendered. These receivables and payables are classified as “due from other funds” or “due to other funds” on the balance sheet. Any residual balances outstanding between the governmental activities and business-type activities are reported in the government-wide financial statements as “internal balances.” (continued) 27 I. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) D. Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets or Equity (Continued) Inventories All inventories are valued at cost (first-in, first-out method). Inventories of governmental funds are recorded as expenditures when consumed rather than when purchased. Restricted Assets Certain bond proceeds, as well as certain resources set aside for their repayment, are classified as restricted assets on the balance sheet because their use is limited by applicable bond covenants. Capital Assets Capital assets, which include property, plant, equipment and infrastructure assets (e.g. roads, bridges, sidewalks and similar items) are reported in the applicable governmental or business-type activities columns in the government-wide financial statements. The City defines capital assets as assets with an initial, individual cost of more than $1,000 and an estimated useful life in excess of one year. Such assets are recorded at historical cost or estimated historical cost if purchased or constructed. Donated capital assets are recorded at estimated fair market value at the date of donation. The costs of normal maintenance and repairs that do not add to the value of the asset or materially extend assets’ lives are not capitalized. Major outlays for capital assets and improvements are capitalized as projects are constructed. Property, plant and equipment is depreciated using the straight-line method over the following estimated useful lives: AssetsYears Airport improvements40 Buildings20 to 40 Waterworks and sanitation systems33 1/3 Infrastructure20 Machinery and equipment7 to 10 Compensated Absences The City permits employees to accumulate earned but unused vacation pay benefits. Certain employees previously covered by civil service policies also have carried forward unused sick leave benefits. No liability is reported for unpaid accumulated sick leave for the remaining employees. Vacation pay is accrued when incurred in the applicable governmental activities, business-type activities, or proprietary fund type statement of net assets. A liability for these amounts is reported in governmental funds only if they have matured (for example, as a result of employee resignations and retirements). (continued) 28 I. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) D. Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets or Equity (Continued) Long-term Obligations In the government-wide financial statements and proprietary fund types in the fund financial statements, long-term debt and other long-term obligations are reported as liabilities in the applicable governmental activities, business-type activities, or proprietary fund type statement of net assets. Bond premiums and discounts, as well as issuance costs, are deferred and amortized over the life of the bonds using the straight-line method, which approximates the effect interest method. Bonds payable are reported net of the applicable bond premium or discount. Bond issuance costs are reported as deferred charges and amortized over the term of the related debt. In the fund financial statements, governmental fund types recognize bond premiums and discounts, as well as issuance costs during the current period. The face amount of debt issued is reported as other financing sources. Premiums received on debt issuances are reported as other financing sources while discounts are reported as other financing uses. Issuance costs, even if withheld from the actual net proceeds received, are reported as expenditures. Fund Balance Classification The governmental fund financial statements present fund balances based on classifications that comprise a hierarchy that is based primarily on the extent to which the City is bound to honor constraints on the specific purposes for which amounts in the respective governmental funds can be spent. The classifications used in the governmental fund financial statements are as follows: Nonspendable: This classification includes amounts that cannot be spent because they are either (a) not in spendable form or (b) are legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. Nonspendable items are not expected to be converted to cash or are not expected to be converted to cash within the next year. Restricted: This classification includes amounts for which constraints have been placed on the use of the resources either (a) externally imposed by creditors, grantors, contributors, or laws or regulations of other governments, or (b) imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. Committed: This classification includes amounts that can be used only for specific purposes pursuant to constraints imposed by resolution of the City Council, the City’s highest level of decision making authority. These amounts cannot be used for any other purpose unless the Council removes or changes the specified use by taking the same type of action that was employed when the funds were initially committed. This classification also includes contractual obligations to the extent that existing resources have been specifically committed for use in satisfying those contractual requirements. (continued) 29 I. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) D. Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets or Equity (Continued) Fund Balance Classification (Continued) Assigned: This classification includes amounts that are constrained by the City’s intent to be used for a specific purpose but are neither restricted nor committed. This intent can be expressed by the City Council. Unassigned: This classification includes the residual fund balance for the General Fund. The unassigned classification also includes negative residual fund balance of any other governmental fund that cannot be eliminated by offsetting of assigned fund balance amounts. When an expenditure is incurred for purposes for which both restricted and unrestricted fund balance is available, the City considers restricted funds to have been spent first. When an expenditure is incurred for which committed, assigned, or unassigned fund balances are available, the City considers amounts to have been spent first out of committed funds, then assigned funds, and finally unassigned funds. Net Assets Net assets represent the difference between assets and liabilities. Net assets invested in capital assets, net of related debt consists of capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation, reduced by the outstanding balances of any borrowing used for the acquisition, construction or improvements of those assets, and adding back unspent proceeds. Net assets are reported as restricted when there are limitations imposed on their use either through the enabling legislations adopted by the City or through external restrictions imposed by creditors, grantors or laws or regulations of other governments. Estimates The preparation of financial statements, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Actual amounts could differ from those estimates. 30 II. RECONCILIATION OF GOVERNMENT-WIDE AND FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Explanation of Certain Differences Between the Governmental Fund Balance Sheet and the Government-wide Statement of Net Assets The governmental fund balance sheet includes a reconciliation between fund balance – total governmental funds and net assets – governmental activities as reported in the government-wide statement of net assets. One element of that reconciliation explains, “Long-term liabilities are not due and payable in the current period and therefore are not reported in the funds.” The details of this $(2,463,357) difference are as follows: General obligations2,185,000)$( Accrued interest payable10,698)( Compensated absences225,929)( Deferred charges17,500 (59,230) Retainage payable Net adjustment to reduce fund balance - total governmental funds to arrive at net assets - $(2,463,357) governmental activities Explanation of Certain Differences Between the Governmental Fund Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances and the Government-wide Statement of Activities The governmental fund statement of revenue, expenditures and changes in fund balances includes a reconciliation between net changes in fund balances – total governmental fund and changes in net assets of governmental activities as reported in the government-wide statement of activities. One element of that reconciliation explains, “Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures. However, in the statement of activities, the cost of those assets is allocated over their estimated useful lives and reported as depreciation expense.” The details of this $(250,867) difference are as follows: Capital outlay941,602$ ( 1,192,469) Depreciation expense Net adjustment to increase net changes in fund balances - total governmental fundsto arrive at $( 250,867) changes in net assets of governmental activities Another element of that reconciliation states, “Revenues in the statement of activities that do not provide current financial resources are not reported as revenues in the funds.” The details of this $12,219 difference are as follows: Property taxes27,917)$( Ambulance charges for services3,080 37,056 Municipal court fines Net adjustment to decrease net changes in fund balances - totalgovernmental fundsto arrive at changes in net $ 12,219 assets of governmental activities (continued) 31 II. RECONCILIATION OF GOVERNMENT-WIDE AND FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Explanation of Certain Differences Between the Governmental Fund Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances and the Government-wide Statement of Activities (Continued) Another element of that reconciliation states that, “Some expenses reported in the statement of activities do not require the use of current financial resources and therefore are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds.” The details of this $13,999 difference are as follows: Accrued interest2,808$ Amortization of deferred charges2,500)( 13,691 Compensated absences Net adjustment to increase net changes in fund balances - totalgovernmental fundsto arrive at changes in net $ 13,999 assets of governmental activities Another element of that reconciliation states that, “The net effect of various miscellaneous transactions involving capital assets is to increase net assets.” The details of this $174,880 difference are as follows: Capital contributions190,037$ (15,157) Disposals of capital assets Net adjustment to increase net changes in fund balances - governmental fundsto arrive at changes in net total $ 174,880 assets of governmental activities III. STEWARDSHIP, COMPLIANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY A. Budgets Budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Annual appropriated budgets are adopted for the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and the Debt Service Fund. All annual appropriations lapse at the end of each fiscal year. Budgets are adopted for the proprietary funds annually only as a management tool. There are no legally mandated budgetary constraints for the proprietary funds. In May of each year, budget preparation packages are distributed to all City agencies. The agencies of the City submit requests for appropriation to the City Administrator before June 15 so that a budget may be prepared. The budget is prepared by department and includes information on the past year, current year estimates and requested appropriations for the next fiscal year. During August, the proposed budget is presented to the City Council for review. The City Council holds one public hearing before August 31 and may add to, subtract from, or change appropriations. Any changes in the budget must be within the revenue and reserves estimated as available by the City Administrator, or the revenue estimates must be changed by an affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council. (continued) 32 III. STEWARDSHIP, COMPLIANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY (Continued) A. Budgets (Continued) The appropriated budget is prepared by fund, function and department. The City’s management may make transfers of appropriations within a department. Transfers of appropriations between departments require the approval of the City Council. The legal level of budgetary control is the department level. The City Council made several supplementary budget appropriations during the year. Encumbrances represent commitments related to unperformed contracts for goods or services. Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase orders, contracts and other commitments for the expenditure of resources are recorded to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation, is utilized in the governmental funds. Encumbrances lapse at year- end and do not constitute expenditures or liabilities because the commitments must be reappropriated and honored during the subsequent year. B. Expenditures over Appropriations Expenditures exceeded appropriations in the General Fund in various departments. The following overruns were funded by unexpected revenues. General government: Emergency management510$ Municipal court3,880 Public safety: Fire and ambulance administration56 Fire suppression9,839 Culture and recreation: Recreation administration7,273 Park maintenance2,213 Capital outlay: Police patrol1,289 Community development planning32 IV. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS A. Deposits and Investments Substantially all deposits and investments are maintained in consolidated cash and investment accounts. Interest income relating to consolidated deposits and investments is allocated to the individual funds monthly based on each fund’s prorate share of total consolidated cash, deposits and investments. (continued) 33 IV. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) A. Deposits and Investments (Continued) Legal provisions generally permit the City to invest in certificates of deposit, repurchase agreements, public funds investment pools, direct obligations of the United States of America or its subdivisions and state and local government securities. During the year ended September 30, 2011, the City did not own any types of securities other than those permitted by statute. As of September 30, 2011, the City had the following investments: Weighted Average Investment TypeFair ValueMaturity (Days) Tex Pool7,792,775$ 44 5,175,260 TexStar40 $ 12,968,035 Total fair value Portfolio weighted average maturity (days)42 The City’s investment pools are 2a7-like pools. A 2a7-like pool is one which is not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as an investment company, but nevertheless has a policy that it will, and does, operate in a manner consistent with the SEC’s Rule 2a7 of the Investment Company Act of 1940. Under the TexPool Participation Agreement, administrative and investment services to TexPool are provided by Lehman Brothers, Inc. and Federated Investors, Inc. through an agreement with the State of Texas Comptroller of Public Accountants. The State Comptroller is the sole officer, director, and shareholder of the Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company authorized to operate TexPool. The fund is rated AAAm by Standard & Poor’s. TexSTAR is a local government investment pool created under the Interlocal Cooperation Act. The fund is rated AAAm by Standard & Poor’s and maintains a maturity of 60 days or less, with a maximum maturity of 13 months for any individual security. The fund fulfills all requirements of the Texas Public Funds Investment Act for local government investment pools. TexSTAR is administered by First Southwest Asset Management, Inc. and JP Morgan Chase. The fair value of the City’s position in these pools is the same as the value of the pool shares. Interest Rate Risk. In accordance with its investment policy, the City manages its exposure to declines in fair market values by limiting the weighted average maturity of its investment portfolios to a maximum of 180 days. (continued) 34 IV. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) A. Deposits and Investments (Continued) Custodial Credit Risk. In the case of deposits, this is the risk that in the event of a bank failure, the City’s deposits may not be returned to it. State statues require that all deposits in financial institutions be fully collateralized by U. S. Government obligations or its agencies and instrumentalities or direct obligations of Texas or its agencies and instrumentalities that have a fair value of not less than the principal amount of deposits. As of September 30, 2011, the City’s entire deposit balance was collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution or covered by FDIC insurance. Credit Risk. It is the City’s policy to limit its investments to investment types with an investment quality rating not less than A or its equivalent by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization. B. Receivables Receivables as of year-end for the City’s individual major funds and nonmajor funds in the aggregate, including the applicable allowances for uncollectible accounts, are as follows: Governmental FundsEnterprise Funds NonmajorWater andStorm WaterNonmajor GeneralFundsWastewaterDrainageFundsTotal Receivables: Accounts: Customers-$ -$ 1$ 71,504,448$ 5,611$ 1,725$,581,784 Ambulance608 -,659 - - - 608,659 Municipal court fines1 -,240,235 - - - 1,240,235 Intergovernmental1 -,978 2 -,340 - 4,318 Other43 -,571 3 -,521 - 47,092 Taxes: Property 18117,009 -,945 - - 135,954 -,004 - - - 876,004 Sales 876 Occupancy 89- -,503 - - 89,503 1,32334,911 - - - 36,234 Other Gross receivables2 109,922,367 1,771 71,510,309 5,611 4,725,619,783 r Less: allowance fo ( 7,971)1,568,117)( 415,954)( 9,502)( - 2,001,544)( uncollectibles $ 101,8001,354,250$ 1,094,355$ 62,109$ 5,725$ 2,618,239$ Net total receivables (continued) 35 IV. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) B. Receivables (Continued) Governmental funds report deferred revenue in connection with receivables for revenue that is not considered to be available to liquidate liabilities of the current period. Governmental funds also defer revenue recognition in connection with resources that have been received, but not yet earned. At the end of the current fiscal year, the various components of deferred revenue and unearned revenue reported in the governmental funds were as follows: UnavailableUnearned Delinquent property taxes receivable (general fund)50,402$ -$ Delinquent property taxes receivable (debt service)7,381 - Ambulance charges for services 63,008 - Municipal court fines217,376 - 7,296- Other $ 7,296338,167$ Total governmental funds C. Property Tax Calendar Property taxes assessed on property valuations as of January 1 each year are levied on the subsequent October 1. Property taxes attach as an enforceable lien on property at the time levied. Property taxes are considered due when levied and become delinquent on the following February 1. On this date, penalties and interest may be assessed by the City. D. Capital Assets Capital asset activity for the year ended September 30, 2011, was as follows: BeginningEnding BalanceIncreasesDecreasesBalance Governmental activities: Capital assets, not being depreciated: $ 1,8072,321,250$ -$ 2,323,057$ Land 1,8072,321,250 - 2,323,057 Total assets not being depreciated Capital assets, being depreciated: Buildings and improvements4,674,820 75,404 - 4,750,224 Machinery and equipment6,299,906 173,971 65,375 6,408,502 816,366 - 18,205,713 17,389,347 Infrastructure 1,065,74128,364,073 65,375 29,364,439 Total capital assets being depreciated Accumulated depreciation: Buildings and improvements1,151,047 102,050 - 1,253,097 Machinery and equipment4,144,239 351,065 50,218 4,445,086 739,3546,399,870 - 7,139,224 Infrastructure 1,192,46911,695,156 50,218 12,837,407 Total accumulated depreciation 126,728)( 15,157 16,527,032 16,668,917 Total capital assets being depreciated, net $ 124,921)18,990,167$( 15,157$ 18,850,089$ Governmental activities capital assets, net (continued) 36 IV. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) D. Capital Assets (Continued) BeginningEnding BalanceIncreasesDecreasesBalance Business-type activities: Capital assets, not being depreciated: Land909,278$ -$ -$ 909,278$ 100,24976,315 76,315 100,249 Construction in progress 100,249985,593 76,315 1,009,527 Total assets not being depreciated Capital assets, being depreciated: Buildings and improvements17,557,688 48,769 - 17,606,457 Machinery and equipment2,506,836 125,127 - 2,631,963 925,73849,736,299 - 50,662,037 Water and wastewater system 1,099,63469,800,823 - 70,900,457 Total capital assets being depreciated Accumulated depreciation: Buildings and improvements1,794,748 399,264 - 2,194,012 Machinery and equipment1,552,857 166,820 - 1,719,677 1,148,25919,408,938 - 20,557,197 Water and wastewater system 1,714,34322,756,543 - 24,470,886 Total accumulated depreciation 614,709)47,044,280( - 46,429,571 Total capital assets being depreciated, net $ 514,460)48,029,873$( 76,315$ 47,439,098$ Business-type activities capital assets, net Depreciation expense was charged to functions/programs of the City as follows: Governmental activities: General government59,231$ Public safety200,186 Streets 543,246 Culture and recreation382,288 7,518 Community development $ 1,192,469 Total depreciation expense - governmental activities Business-type activities: Water and wastewater1,256,933$ Storm water drainage254,826 Landfill105,404 97,180 Airport $ 1,714,343 Total depreciation expense - business-type activities (continued) 37 IV. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) E. Interfund Receivables, Payables and Transfers The composition of interfund balances as of September 30, 2011, is as follows: Receivable FundPayable FundAmount $ 12,393 Water and wastewaterCapital projects $ 12,393 Total Balances resulted from the time lag between the dates that 1) interfund goods and services are provided on reimbursable expenditures occur, and 2) transactions are recorded in the accounting system, and 3) payments between funds are made. Interfund transfers during the year ended September 30, 2011, are as follows: Transfers InTransfers OutAmount Nonmajor enterpriseGeneral316,390$ Nonmajor governmentalGeneral54,609 Water and wastewater fundNonmajor governmental58,256 237,443 GeneralWater and wastewater $ 666,698 Total interfund transfers The General Fund paid $316,390 and $54,609, respectively, to nonmajor Enterprise Funds and nonmajor Governmental Funds to finance capital acquisitions. The transfer in the amount of $237,443 was paid from the Water and Wastewater Fund to the General Fund for payments in lieu of taxes. The transfer in the amount of $58,256 was paid from nonmajor Governmental Funds to the Water and Wastewater Fund to return amounts previously transferred for capital acquisitions. (continued) 38 IV. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) F. Long-term Debt Changes in Long-term Liabilities Long-term liability activity from the year ended September 30, 2011, was as follows: BalanceBalanceDue Within 09/30/10AdditionsReductions09/30/11One Year Governmental activities : General obligation bonds2,605,000$ -$ 420,000$ 2,185,000$ 225,000$ Retainage payable123,321 745 64,836 59,230 59,230 239,620 225,929 239,620 225,929 225,929 Compensated absences payable $ 2,967,941 226,674$ 724,456$ 2,470,159$ 510,159$ Total governmental activities Business-type activities: Revenue bonds/certificates of obligation22,429,865$ -$ 1,668,000$ 20,761,865$ 1,734,000$ Capital lease364,740 - 170,619 194,121 94,460 Estimated landfill closure and postclosure costs127,615 3,470 - 131,085 - 33,646 32,314 33,646 32,314 32,314 Compensated absences payable $ 22,955,866 35,784$ 1,872,265$ 21,119,385$ 1,860,774$ Total business-type activities The General Fund is generally used to liquidate compensated absences for governmental activities. General Obligation Bonds The City issues general obligation bonds to provide funds for the acquisition and construction of major capital facilities of governmental activities and to refund previous issues. General obligation bonded debt of the City is as follows: Governmental activities: $1,325,000CombinationTaxandRevenueCertificatesof Obligation-Series2008,principaldueannuallyinseriesthrough 2033, interest due semi-annually at 4.06%.$ 695,000 nTaxandRevenueCertificatesof $1,500,000Combinatio Obligation-Series2009,principaldueannuallyinseriesthrough 2019, interest due semi-annually at 3.85%. 1,490,000 $ 2,185,000 (continued) 39 IV. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) F. Long-term Debt (Continued) Revenue Bonds The City also issues revenue bonds to finance business-type activities, where it pledges net income from service revenue to repay debt. Revenue bonds outstanding as of September 30, 2011, are as follows: Business-type activities: $5,500,000UtilitySystemRevenueBonds-Series2001,principal dueannuallyinseriesthrough2016,interestduesemi-annuallyat 4.59%.3,895,000$ $1,150,000CombinationTaxandRevenueCertificatesof Obligation-Series2002,principaldueannuallyinseriesthrough 2012, interest due semi-annually at 4.45%.140,000 $1,600,000CombinationTaxRevenueCertificatesofObligation, Series2003B,principaldueannuallyinseriesthrough2018, interest due semi-annually at 3.5%.785,000 $4,975,000CombinationTaxRevenueRefundingBonds-Series 2003A,principaldueannuallyinseriesthrough2013,interestdue semi-annually at 2.75%.840,000 $275,000CombinationTaxandRevenueCertificatesof Obligation,Series2003,principaldueannuallyinSeriesthrough 2021, interest due semi-annually at 4.125%.146,865 $7,160,000CombinationTaxRevenueBonds-Series2004, principaldueannuallyinseriesthrough2019,interestduesemi- annually at 4.45%.6,130,000 $2,000,000CertificateofObligationBonds-Series2006,principal dueannuallyinseriesthrough2018,interestduesemi-annuallyat 3.77%.1,110,000 $4,300,000CombinationTaxRevenueCertificatesofObligation, Series2006A,principaldueannuallyinseriesthrough2027, interest due semi-annually at 3.92%.3,690,000 $4,130,000CombinationTaxRevenueCertificatesofObligation, Series2008,principaldueannuallyinseriesthrough2033,interest due semi-annually at 4.06%. 4,025,000 $ 20,761,865 Total Revenue Bonds (continued) 40 IV. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) F. Long-term Debt (Continued) Debt Service Requirements Annual debt service requirements to maturity for general obligation bonds are as follows: Fiscal Year Ending September 30,PrincipalInterestTotal 2012225,000$ 81,078$ 306,078$ 2013230,000 71,967 301,967 2014240,000 62,557 302,557 2015250,000 52,747 302,747 2016260,000 42,735 302,735 57,558980,000 1,037,558 2017-2019 $ 368,6422,185,000$ 2,553,642$ Total Annual debt service requirements to maturity for revenue bonds are as follows: Fiscal Year Ending September 30,PrincipalInterestTotal 20121,734,000$ 797,473$ 2,531,473$ 20131,805,000 728,071 2,533,071 20141,866,000 664,558 2,530,558 20151,941,000 584,225 2,525,225 20162,027,000 502,904 2,529,904 2017-20216,373,865 1,499,306 7,873,171 2022-20261,805,000 833,490 2,638,490 2027-20312,200,000 435,425 2,635,425 41,4121,010,000 1,051,412 2032-2033 $ 6,086,86420,761,865$ 26,848,729$ Total Capital Lease The City has entered into a lease agreement as lessee for financing the acquisition of equipment for landfill maintenance. This lease agreement qualifies as a capital lease for accounting purposes and, therefore, has been recorded at the present value of the future minimum lease payments as of the inception date. The assets acquired through capital leases are as follows: Landfill Asset: Machinery and equipment794,081$ 424,703 Less: accumulated depreciation $ 369,378 Total (continued) 41 IV. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) F. Long-term Debt (Continued) Capital Lease (Continued) The future minimum lease obligation and the net present value of the minimum lease payments as of September 30, 2011, were as follows: Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2012105,163$ 105,163 2013 Total minimum lease payments210,326 16,205 Less: amount representing interest $ 194,121 Present value of minimum lease payments G. Contingent Arbitrage Liabilities The City has invested a portion of revenue bond proceeds as a reserve for the retirement of the bonds. Any excess of interest revenue earned on invested proceeds over interest paid on the bonds must be rebated to the federal government every five years. V. OTHER INFORMATION A. Risk Management The City is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts; theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; injuries to employees; employee health benefits; and other claims of various nature. The City participates in the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool. As an insured, the City is not obligated to reimburse the pool for losses. The City has not had any significant reductions in insurance coverage, nor have insurance settlements for the last three fiscal years exceeded insurance coverage. Any losses reported but unsettled or incurred and not reported, are believed to be insignificant to the City’s financial statements. B. Commitments and Contingencies The City is defendant in lawsuits occurring in the normal course of business. Although the outcome of these matters is not presently determinable, in the opinion of the City’s attorney, their resolution will not have a material adverse effect on the financial condition of the City. (continued) 42 V. OTHER INFORMATION (Continued) B. Commitments and Contingencies (Continued) Amounts received or receivable from grantor agencies are subject to audit and adjustment by such agencies. Any disallowed claims, including amounts already collected may constitute a liability of the applicable funds. The amount, if any, of expenditures which may be disallowed by the grantor cannot be determined at this time although the City expects such amounts, if any, to be immaterial. C. Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Closure and Post Closure Costs The City has constructed a Type IV sanitary landfill, which began operations on December 1, 1995. This facility is permitted to accept only brush and/or construction demolition wastes and rubbish free of household wastes. State and federal laws and regulations require the City to place a final cover on the landfill site when it stops accepting waste and to perform certain maintenance and monitoring functions at the site for a period of five years after closure. Although closure and post closure care costs will be paid only near or after the date that the landfill stops accepting waste, the City will report a portion of these closure and post closure costs as an operating expense in each period based on landfill capacity used to date. Estimated closure and 5-year post closure costs are approximately $388,240. The landfill site has an estimated net capacity of 584,974 cubic yards and is expected to be closed within the next 10 years; approximately 34% of the landfill was used at year-end. Actual costs may be higher due to inflation, changes in technology, or changes in regulations. The City has received written authorization from the state that no annual contributions are required, thus the intent of the City is to fund the required expenses as incurred. D. Retirement Plan Plan Description The City provides pension benefits for all of its eligible employees through a non-traditional, joint contributory, hybrid defined benefit plan in the statewide Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS), an agent multiple-employer public employee retirement system. The plan provisions that have been adopted by the City are within the options available in the governing state statutes of TMRS. (continued) 43 V. OTHER INFORMATION (Continued) D. Retirement Plan (Continued) Plan Description (Continued) TMRS issues a publicly available comprehensive annual financial report that includes financial statements and required supplementary information (RSI) for TMRS; the report also provides detailed explanations of the contributions, benefits and actuarial methods and assumptions used by the System. This report may be obtained from TMRS’ website at www.TMRS.com. The plan provisions are adopted by the governing body of the City, within the options available in the state statutes governing TMRS. Plan provisions for the City were as follows: Plan Year 2009Plan Year 2010Plan Year 2011 Employee deposit rate6.0%6.0%6.0% Matching ratio (city to employee)2 to 12 to 12 to 1 Years required for vesting555 Service retirement eligibility (expressed as age/years of service)60/5, 0/2060/5, 0/2060/5, 0/20 Updated service credit100% repeating,100% repeating,100% repeating, transferstransferstransfers Annuity increase (to retirees)70% of CPI70% of CPI70% of CPI repeatingrepeatingrepeating Contributions Under the state law governing TMRS, the contribution rate for each City is determined annually by the actuary, using the Projected Unit Credit actuarial cost method. This rate consists of the normal cost contribution rate and the prior service cost contribution rate, which is calculated to be a level percent of payroll from year to year. The normal cost contribution rate finances the portion of an active member’s projected benefit allocated annually; the prior service contribution rate amortizes the unfunded (overfunded) actuarial liability (asset) over the applicable period for that city. Both the normal cost and prior service contribution rates include recognition of the projected impact of annually repeating benefits, such as Updated Service Credits and Annuity Increases. (continued) 44 V. OTHER INFORMATION (Continued) D. Retirement Plan (Continued) Contributions (Continued) The City contributes to the TMRS Plan at an actuarially determined rate. Both the employees and the City make contributions monthly. Since the City needs to know its contribution rate in advance for budgetary purposes, there is a one-year delay between the actuarial valuation that serves as the basis for the rate and the calendar year when the rate goes into effect. The annual pension cost and net pension obligation/(asset) are as follows: AccountingAnnual ActualPercentageNet YearPensionContributionof APCPension EndingCost (APC)MadeContributedObligation 09/30/09934,953$ 934,953$ 100%- 09/30/101,068,923 1,068,923 100%- 09/30/111,102,965 1,102,965 100%- The required contribution rates for fiscal year 2011 were determined as part of the December 31, 2008 and 2009 actuarial valuations. Additional information as of the latest actuarial valuation, December 31, 2010, also follows: Actuarial Valuation Date12/31/0812/31/0912/31/10 - prior 12/31/10 - to restructuringrestructured Projected Unit Actuarial cost methodProjected Unit Projected Unit Projected Unit CreditCreditCreditCredit Level percent Amortization methodLevel percentLevel percentLevel percent of payrollof payrollof payrollof payroll GASB 25 equivalent single29 years;28 years;27 years;27 years; amortization periodclosed periodclosed periodclosed periodclosed period Amortization period for30 years30 years30 years30 years new gains/losses Asset valuation methodAmortized cost10-year smoothed10-year smoothed10-year smoothed marketmarketmarket Actuarial Assumptions: Investment rate of return*7.5%7.5%7.5%7.0% Projected salary increases*varies by agevaries by agevaries by agevaries by age and serviceand serviceand serviceand service *Includes inflation at3.0%3.0%3.0%3.0% Cost-of-living adjustments2.1%2.1%2.1%2.1% (continued) 45 V. OTHER INFORMATION (Continued) D. Retirement Plan (Continued) Contributions (Continued) In June, 2011, SSB 350 was enacted by the Texas Legislature, resulting in a restructure of the TMRS funds. This legislation provided for the actuarial valuation to be completed as if restructuring had occurred on December 31, 2010. In addition, the actuarial assumptions were updated for the new fund structure, based on an actuarial experience study that was adopted by the TMRS Board at their May, 2011 meeting (the review compared actual to expected experience for the four-year period of January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2009). For a complete description of the combined impact of the legislation and new actuarial assumptions, including the effects of TMRS city rates and funding ratios, please see the December 31, 2010 TMRS Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Actuarial valuations involve estimates of the value of reported amounts and assumptions about the probability of events far into the future. Actuarially determined amounts are subject to continual revision as actual results are compared to past expectations and new estimates are made about the future. Actuarial calculations are based on the benefits provided under the terms of the substantive plan in effect at the time of each valuation, and reflect a long-term perspective. Consistent with that perspective, actuarial methods and assumptions used include techniques that are designed to reduce short-term volatility in actuarial accrued liabilities and the actuarial value of assets. The following schedule of funding progress presents multi-year trend information about whether the actuarial value of plan assets is increasing or decreasing over time relative to the actuarial accrued liability of benefits. UnfundedUnfunded Actuarial ActuarialActuarialActuarialActuarialAnnualAccrued Liability ValuationValue ofAccruedPercentageAccruedCoveredas a Percentage DateAssetsLiabilityFundedLiabilityPayrollof Covered Payroll 12/31/200814,809,934$ 21,450,591$ 69.0% 6,640,657$ 5,773,061$ 115.0% 12/31/200916,141,135 23,087,454 69.9% 6,946,319 6,040,379 115.0% 1 12/31/2010 24,306,90717,441,452 71.8% 6,865,455 6,150,305 111.6% 2 12/31/2010 28,698,94223,356,321 81.4% 5,342,621 6,150,305 86.9% (1) Actuarial valuation performed under the original fund structure (2) Actuarial valuation performed under the new fund structure E. Other Postemployment Benefits Supplemental Death Benefits Fund (SDBF) The City also participates in the cost sharing multiple-employer defined benefit group term life insurance plan operated by the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS) known as the Supplemental Death Benefits Fund (SDBF). The City elected, by ordinance, to provide group term life insurance coverage to both current and retired employees. The City may terminate coverage under and discontinue participation in the SDBF by adopting an ordinance before November 1 of any year to be effective the following January 1. (continued) 46 V. OTHER INFORMATION (Continued) E. Other Postemployment Benefits (Continued) Supplemental Death Benefits Fund (SDBF) (Continued) The death benefit for active employees provides a lump sum payment approximately equal to the employee’s annual salary (calculated based on the employee’s actual earnings, for the 12- month period preceding the month of death); retired employees are insured for $7,500; this coverage is an “other postemployment benefit,” or OPEB. Contributions The City contributes to the SDBF at a contractually required rate as determined by an annual actuarial valuation. The rate is equal to the cost of providing one-year term life insurance. The funding policy for the SDBF program is to assure that adequate resources are available to meet all death benefit payments for the upcoming year; the intent is not to pre-fund retiree term life insurance during employees’ entire careers. The City’s contributions to the TMRS SDBF for the years ended 2011, 2010 and 2009 were $2,487, $2,455 and $2,964, respectively, which equaled the required contributions each year. Schedule of Contribution Rates (Retiree-only portion of the rate) Plan/Annual Required Actual Contribution Percentage of Calendar YearContribution (Rate)Made (Rate)ARC Contributed 20090.05%0.05%100% 20100.04%0.04%100% 20110.04%0.04%100% F. Change in Accounting Principles For fiscal year 2011, the City has implemented Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 54, “Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions.” GASB Statement No. 54 enhances the usefulness of fund balance information by providing clearer fund balance classifications that can be more consistently applied and by clarifying the existing governmental fund type definitions. This statement establishes fund balance classifications that comprise a hierarchy based primarily on the extent to which a government is bound to observe constraints imposed upon the use of the resources reported in governmental funds. G. Subsequent Events On October 11, 2011, the City issued Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2011, in the amount of $4,000,000 maturing February 15, 2031 with an average interest rate of 3.2%. The bonds were issued to construct a fire station and improve roads. 47 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY COMBINING FUND STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Special Revenue Funds are used to account for specific revenue that is legally restricted to expenditures for particular purposes. Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax – This fund is used to account for hotel/motel occupancy tax revenue to be used for enhancing and promoting tourism and convention activity for the benefit of the hotel industry. Child Safety – This fund is used to account for court costs used to operate a City school crossing guard program, or programs designated to enhance child safety, health, or nutrition; including child abuse prevention and intervention and drug and alcohol abuse prevention. Public Safety – This fund is used to account for court costs used to promote various public safety programs. Court Technology – This fund is used to account for court costs used to maintain technological enhancements for the municipal court. TheCapital Projects Fund is used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of general major capital facilities. Financing is provided primarily by the sale of general obligation bonds and developer contributions. The Debt Service Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources and payment of general obligation bond principal and interest from governmental resources. CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Special Revenue Total Hotel/MotelNonmajor OccupancyChildPublicCourtCapitalDebtGovernmental TaxSafetySafetyTechnologyProjectsServiceFunds ASSETS Cash and investments225,868$ 12,465$ 24,650$ 34,990$ 543,721$ 101,992$ 943,686$ Receivables (net of allowance for uncollectibles): -89,503 - - - 12,297 101,800 Taxes $ 12,465315,371$ 24,650$ 34,990$ 543,721$ 114,289$ 1,045,486$ Total assets LIABILITIES Accounts payable66,599 - - - 45,093 - 111,692 Due to other funds- - - - 12,393 - 12,393 Deferred revenue- - - - - 7,381 7,381 -- 3,591 - - - 3,591 Other liabilities -66,599 3,591 - 57,486 7,381 135,057 Total liabilities FUND BALANCES Restricted for: Retirement of long-term debt- - - - - 106,908 106,908 Tourism248,772 - - - - - 248,772 Child and public safety- 12,465 21,059 - - 33,524 Court technology- - - 34,990 - - 34,990 Assigned for: -- - - 486,235 - 486,235 Capital projects 12,465248,772 21,059 34,990 486,235 106,908 910,429 Total fund balances Total liabilities $ 12,465315,371$ 24,650$ 34,990$ 543,721$ 114,289$ 1,045,486$ and fund balances 48 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Special Revenue Total Hotel/MotelNonmajor OccupancyChildPublicCourtCapitalDebtGovernmental TaxSafety SafetyTechnologyProjectsServiceFunds REVENUES Taxes: Property-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 531,674$ 531,674$ Other322,272 - - - - - 322,272 Fines and forfeitures- 10,871 3,372 10,654- - 24,897 Intergovernmental- - 3,698 - 11,320 - 15,018 -451 - - 3,814 84 4,349 Investment earnings 10,871322,723 7,070 10,654 15,134 531,758 898,210 Total revenues EXPENDITURES Current: Public safety- 5,602 10,154 - - - 15,756 Culture and recreation355,955 - - - - - 355,955 Debt service: Principal - - - - - 420,000 420,000 Interest and fiscal charges- - - - - 98,117 98,117 -- - - 680,448 - 680,448 Capital outlay 5,602355,955 10,154 - 680,448 518,117 1,570,276 Total expenditures EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) (33,232) 5,269 3,084)( 10,654 665,314)( 13,641 672,066)( EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Transfers in - - - - 54,609 - 54,609 -- - - 58,256)( - 58,256)( Transfers out -- - - 3,647)( - 3,647)( Total other financing sources NET CHANGE IN ( 5,26933,232) 3,084)( 10,654 668,961)( 13,641 675,713)( FUND BALANCES 7,196282,004 24,143 24,336 1,155,196 93,267 1,586,142 FUND BALANCES, BEGINNING $ 12,465248,772$ 21,059$ 34,990$ 486,235$ 106,908$ 910,429$ FUND BALANCES, ENDING 49 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS SPECIAL REVENUE FUND HOTEL/MOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Final BudgetActualVariance REVENUES Taxes - other280,000$ 322,272$ 42,272$ 451500 49)( Investment income 322,723280,500 42,223 Total revenues EXPENDITURES Current: 355,955330,000 25,955)( Culture and recreation 355,955330,000 25,955)( Total culture and recreation 355,955330,000 25,955)( Total expenditures EXCESS(DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES ( 33,232)49,500)( 16,268 OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 282,004282,004 - FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING $ 248,772232,504$ 16,268$ FUND BALANCE, ENDING 50 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS SPECIAL REVENUE FUND CHILD SAFETY FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Final BudgetActualVariance REVENUES $ 10,8714,500$ 6,371$ Fines and forfeitures 10,8714,500 6,371 Total revenues EXPENDITURES Current: 5,6025,602 - Public safety 5,6025,602 - Total public safety 5,6025,602 - Total expenditures EXCESS(DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES ( 5,2691,102) 6,371 OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 7,1967,196 - FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING $ 12,4656,094$ 6,371$ FUND BALANCE, ENDING 51 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS SPECIAL REVENUE FUND PUBLIC SAFETY FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Final BudgetActualVariance REVENUES Fines and forfeitures-$ 3,372$ 3,372$ 3,6983,700 2)( Intergovernmental 7,0703,700 3,370 Total revenues EXPENDITURES Current: 11,092 10,154 938 Public safety 11,092 10,154 938 Total public safety 11,092 10,154 938 Total expenditures EXCESS(DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES ( 3,084)7,392)( 4,308 OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 24,143 24,143 - FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING $ 16,751 21,059$ 4,308$ FUND BALANCE, ENDING 52 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS SPECIAL REVENUE FUND COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Final BudgetActualVariance REVENUES $ 10,6544,000$ 6,654$ Fines and forfeitures 10,6544,000 6,654 Total revenues -- - EXPENDITURES EXCESS(DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES 10,6544,000 6,654 OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 24,336 24,336 - FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING $ 28,336 34,990$ 6,654$ FUND BALANCE, ENDING 53 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS DEBT SERVICE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Final BudgetActualVariance REVENUES Taxes - property 517,216$ 531,674$ 14,458$ 84100 16)( Investment earnings 517,316 531,758 14,442 Total revenues EXPENDITURES Debt service: Principal420,000420,000 - 97,316 98,117 801)( Interest and fiscal charges 517,316 518,117 801)( Total debt service 517,316 518,117 801)( Total expenditures EXCESS(DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES 13,641- 13,641 OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 93,267 93,267 - FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING $ 93,267 106,908$ 13,641$ FUND BALANCE, ENDING 54 NONMAJOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises – where the intent is that the costs of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or where the City has decided that periodic determination of net income is appropriate for accountability purposes. Sanitary Landfill – This fund is used to account for solid waste collection and disposal services provided to the residents of the City. Airport – This fund is used to account for municipal airport services and to support air transportation and charter services. CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET NONMAJOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Sanitary LandfillAirportTotal ASSETS Current assets: Cash and investments126,712$ 73,127$ 199,839$ 1,232 4,493 5,725 Accounts receivable (net of allowances for uncollectibles) 77,620127,944 205,564 Total current assets Noncurrent assets: Deferred charges- 191,139 191,139 Capital assets: Land40,000 705,557 745,557 Buildings and improvements913,425 4,150,874 5,064,299 Equipment1,004,859 152,569 1,157,428 Construction in progress- 100,249 100,249 ( 766,607)996,721)( 1,763,328)( Less: accumulated depreciation 4,342,642961,563 5,304,205 Total capital assets 4,533,781961,563 5,495,344 Total noncurrent assets 4,611,4011,089,507 5,700,908 Total assets LIABILITIES Current liabilities: Accounts payable2,492 2,151 4,643 Accrued liabilities1,683 - 1,683 Accrued interest payable8,885 1,947 10,832 Customer deposits900 - 900 Unearned revenue- 15,36015,360 Capital lease94,460 - 94,460 Bonds payable- 19,000 19,000 3,081 - 3,081 Compensated absences payable 38,458111,501 149,959 Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities: Capital lease99,661 - 99,661 Bonds payable- 127,865 127,865 -131,085 131,085 Liability for landfill closure 127,865230,746 358,611 Total long-term liabilities 166,323342,247 508,570 Total liabilities NET ASSETS Invested in capital assets, net of related debt767,442 4,195,777 4,963,219 (20,182) 249,301 229,119 Unrestricted $ 4,445,078747,260$ 5,192,338$ Total net assets 55 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS NONMAJOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Sanitary LandfillAirportTotal OPERATING REVENUES Gate charges276,833$ -$ 276,833$ Hanger rental- 69,729 69,729 6,2861,152 7,438 Other service charges 76,015277,985 354,000 Total operating revenues OPERATING EXPENSES Personnel services130,255 - 130,255 Contractual services21,359 - 21,359 Utilities574 30,553 31,127 Repairs and maintenance10,936 19,561 30,497 Other 30,817 7,061 37,878 97,180105,404 202,584 Depreciation 154,355299,345 453,700 Total operating expenses ( 78,340)21,360)( 99,700)( OPERATING LOSS NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Investment earnings116 - 116 Intergovernmental- 5,184 5,184 ( 6,448)14,637)( 21,085)( Interest expense ( 1,264)14,521)( 15,785)( Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) INCOME(LOSS) BEFORE ( 79,604)35,881)( 115,485)( CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS 82,62082,620- CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS 225,57290,818 316,390 TRANSFER IN 228,58854,937 283,525 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 4,216,490692,323 4,908,813 TOTAL NET ASSETS, BEGINNING $ 4,445,078747,260$ 5,192,338$ TOTAL NET ASSETS, ENDING 56 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS NONMAJOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Sanitary LandfillAirportTotal CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from customers279,168$ 91,681$ 370,849$ Cash payments to employees131,056)( - 131,056)( ( 56,440)57,902)( 114,342)( Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services 35,24190,210 125,451 Cash provided by operating activities CASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES - 5,184 5,184 Cash received from operating grant - 5,184 5,184 Cash provided by noncapital financing activities CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES Principal payments on capital lease170,619)( - 170,619)( Principal payments on bonds- 18,000)( 18,000)( Interest and fiscal charges on debt22,468)( 6,687)( 29,155)( Grant match for capital grant- 191,148)( 191,148)( Transfers from other funds for capital acquisition90,818 225,572 316,390 ( 17,619)15,464)( 33,083)( Acquisition and construction of capital assets Cash used by capital and ( 7,882)117,733)( 125,615)( related financing activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES -116 116 Interest on investments -116 116 Cash provided by investing activities NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH ( 32,54327,407) 5,136 AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 40,584154,119 194,703 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING $ 73,127126,712$ 199,839$ CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, ENDING RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Operating loss21,360)$( 78,340)$( 99,700)$( Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation105,404 97,180 202,584 Change in assets and liabilities: Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable1,083 306 1,389 Increase (decrease) in accounts payable2,314 735 3,049 Increase (decrease) in accrued liabilities2,573 - 2,573 Increase (decrease) in customer deposits100 - 100 Increase (decrease) in unearned revenue- 15,360 15,360 96 - 96 Increase (decrease) in compensated absences 113,581111,570 225,151 Total adjustments $ 35,24190,210$ 125,451$ Net cash provided by operating activities NONCASH INVESTING, CAPITAL, AND FINANCING ACTIVITIES $ - 82,620$ 82,620$ Contributions of capital assets 57 STATISTICAL SECTION This part of the City of Stephenville, Texas’ comprehensive annual financial report presents detailed information as a context for understanding what the information in the financial statements, note disclosures, and required supplementary information says about the City’s overall financial health. Contents Page Financial Trends 58 These schedules contain trend information to help the reader understand how the City’s financial performance and well-being have changed over time. Revenue Capacity 66 These schedules contain information to help the reader assess the City’s most significant local revenue sources. Although sales taxes are the City’s most significant local revenue source, information about revenue base is unavailable and information about principal revenue payers is confidential under Texas statutes. Trend information about sales tax revenues is provided in Table 2. Additionally, information about the City’s second most significant local revenue source, the property tax, is provided. Debt Capacity 70 These schedules present information to help the reader assess the affordability of the City’s current levels of outstanding debt and the City’s ability to issue additional debt in the future. Demographic and Economic Information 75 These schedules offer demographic and economic indicators to help the reader understand the environment within which the City’s financial activities take place. Operating Information 77 These schedules contain service and infrastructure data to help the reader understand how the information in the City’s financial report relates to the services the City provides and the activities it performs. Sources: Unless otherwise noted, the information in these schedules is derived from the comprehensive annual financial reports for the relevant year. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TABLE 1 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS NET ASSETS BY COMPONENT LAST NINE FISCAL YEARS (Accrual Basis of Accounting) Fiscal Year 200320042005200620072008200920102011 Governmental activities: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt8,671,383$ 8,877,241$ 9,070,652$ 9,734,777$ 10,157,475$ 10,513,386$ 18,471,335$ 16,763,870$ 16,605,859$ Restricted- 620,104 295,721 381,849 366,934 397,365 434,394 405,640 420,877 7,932,439 8,181,076 9,548,977 10,237,660 11,232,319 12,162,240 5,252,462 7,952,264 8,156,696 Unrestricted $ 17,678,42116,603,822$ 18,915,350$ 20,354,286$ 21,756,728$ 23,072,991$ 24,158,191$ 25,121,774$ 25,183,432$ Total governmental activities net assets Business-type activities: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt11,789,690$ 14,229,406$ 16,190,916$ 17,432,394$ 16,564,217$ 21,231,388$ 23,495,495$ 25,323,978$ 26,538,623$ Restricted508,583 470,750 514,842 599,910 665,099 554,647 710,870 690,998 714,547 5,621,026 4,134,841 5,301,524 6,516,830 9,087,784 7,178,489 5,974,684 4,566,114 5,548,656 Unrestricted $ 18,834,99717,919,299$ 22,007,282$ 24,549,134$ 26,317,100$ 28,964,524$ 30,181,049$ 30,581,090$ 32,801,826$ Total business-type activities net assets Total: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt20,461,073$ 23,106,647$ 25,261,568$ 27,167,171$ 26,721,692$ 31,744,774$ 41,966,830$ 42,087,848$ 43,144,482$ Restricted508,583 1,090,854 810,563 981,759 1,032,033 952,012 1,145,264 1,096,638 1,135,424 12,315,91713,553,465 14,850,501 16,754,490 20,320,103 19,340,729 11,227,146 12,518,378 13,705,352 Unrestricted $ 36,513,41834,523,121$ 40,922,632$ 44,903,420$ 48,073,828$ 52,037,515$ 54,339,240$ 55,702,864$ 57,985,258$ Total net assets Note: The City began to report accrual information when it implemented GASB Statement 34 in fiscal year 2003. 58 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS CHANGES IN NET ASSETS LAST NINE FISCAL YEARS (Accrual Basis of Accounting) Fiscal Year 2003200420052006 EXPENSES Governmental activities: General government1,262,164$ 1,421,563$ 1,453,986$ 1,441,939$ Public safety4,028,747 4,026,402 4,345,846 4,689,443 Streets894,193 995,046 979,051 1,098,979 Culture and recreation1,522,896 1,574,032 1,582,864 1,646,017 Community development317,743 296,244 348,177 343,135 130,388153,445 109,153 91,817 Interest on long-term debt 8,443,6758,179,188 8,819,077 9,311,330 Total governmental activities expenses Business-type activities: Water and wastewater3,790,830 4,582,690 4,367,671 4,681,174 Sanitary landfill211,159 151,309 99,078 119,832 Airport99,847 101,082 8,633 18,075 35,46214,034 166,346 232,955 Storm water drainage 4,870,5434,115,870 4,641,728 5,052,036 Total business-type activities expenses $ 13,314,21812,295,058$ 13,460,805$ 14,363,366$ Total expenses PROGRAM REVENUES Governmental activities: Charges for services: General government21,421$ 195,176$ 172,292$ 177,636$ Public safety884,349 524,561 488,292 600,332 Streets22,388 28,748 17,213 17,444 Culture and recreation157,741 147,563 135,607 132,125 Community development82,182 165,803 163,490 180,304 Operating grants and contributions146,257 189,805 125,068 172,884 366,478185,625 556,425 177,503 Capital grants and contributions 1,618,1341,499,963 1,658,387 1,458,228 Total governmental activities program revenues Business-type activities: Charges for services: Water and wastewater4,261,555$ 4,564,193$ 5,245,901$ 5,628,658$ Sanitary landfill154,650 174,152 174,845 162,306 Airport24,865 31,077 39,088 51,037 Storm water drainage511,427 478,143 485,600 485,314 Operating grants and contributions- - - - 411,474273,101 1,513,020 599,393 Capital grants and contributions 5,659,0395,225,598 7,458,454 6,926,708 Total business-type activities program revenues $ 7,277,1736,725,561$ 9,116,841$ 8,384,936$ Total program revenues 59 TABLE 2 Fiscal Year 20072008200920102011 $ 1,331,5831,591,258$ 1,309,902$ 1,412,441$ 1,374,221$ 5,504,9755,187,628 6,043,653 6,252,861 6,274,700 1,183,4351,144,681 1,210,135 1,426,590 1,479,381 2,166,5451,733,627 2,340,312 2,438,756 2,522,284 395,182381,091 408,144 427,769 374,335 103,49065,926 72,220 141,220 97,809 10,685,21010,104,211 11,384,366 12,099,637 12,122,730 4,526,8934,776,359 4,819,886 5,054,152 4,846,996 290,349272,010 527,255 294,407 313,982 127,018130,169 170,287 158,085 160,803 245,371141,516 346,159 580,590 600,859 5,189,6315,320,054 5,863,587 6,087,234 5,922,640 $ 15,874,84115,424,265$ 17,247,953$ 18,186,871$ 18,045,370$ $ 219,353243,929$ 231,122$ 215,757$ 216,870$ 906,131687,567 677,662 834,180 893,207 24,04627,425 21,472 24,713 24,419 145,225171,931 221,589 317,917 338,662 272,729160,745 126,186 177,401 249,501 57,969115,859 109,861 43,417 40,015 148115,556 740,974 1,602,301 258,933 1,625,6011,523,012 2,128,866 3,215,686 2,021,607 $ 5,469,9325,092,578$ 5,492,233$ 5,396,349$ 6,147,606$ 275,915170,814 414,503 175,153 277,985 68,18661,916 73,180 72,408 76,015 577,766500,779 584,439 588,141 591,326 -- 20,062 17,808 5,184 870,718169,370 249,253 402,702 528,471 7,262,5175,995,457 6,833,670 6,652,561 7,626,587 $ 8,888,1187,518,469$ 8,962,536$ 9,868,247$ 9,648,194$ (continued) 60 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (Continued) LAST NINE FISCAL YEARS (Accrual Basis of Accounting) Fiscal Year 2003200420052006 NET (EXPENSE) REVENUES Governmental activities6,679,225)$( 6,825,541)$( 7,160,690)$( 7,853,102)$( 788,4961,109,728 2,816,726 1,874,672 Business-type activities ( 6,037,045)5,569,497)( 4,343,964)( 5,978,430)( Total net expense GENERAL REVENUES AND OTHER CHANGES IN NET ASSETS Governmental activities: Taxes: Property - general purposes1,994,728 2,249,922 2,447,610 2,657,106 Property - debt service545,552 540,467 448,663 437,146 Sales3,217,670 3,538,100 3,654,232 4,101,973 Franchise934,965 1,209,036 1,264,298 1,423,615 Other208,534 262,467 292,447 312,528 Gain on sale of capital assets- - - - Investment earnings196,542 87,990 286,301 441,986 Miscellaneous33,971 12,158 54,068 34,663 -315,638 50,000)( 116,979)( Transfers 7,900,1407,447,600 8,397,619 9,292,038 Total governmental activities Business-type activities: Investment earnings105,970 100,773 305,559 518,164 Miscellaneous9,137 26,429 - 32,037 ( -315,638) 50,000 116,979 Transfers ( 127,202200,531) 355,559 667,180 Total business-type activities Total general revenues and other 8,027,3427,247,069 8,753,178 9,959,218 changes in net assets CHANGE IN NET ASSETS Governmental activities768,375 1,074,599 1,236,929 1,438,936 915,698909,197 3,172,285 2,541,852 Business-type activities $ 1,990,2971,677,572$ 4,409,214$ 3,980,788$ Total change in net assets Note: The City began to report accrual information when it implemented GASB Statement 34 in fiscal year 2003. 61 TABLE 2 Fiscal Year 20072008200920102011 $( 9,059,609)8,581,199)$( 9,255,500)$( 8,883,951)$( 10,101,123)$( 2,072,886675,403 970,083 565,327 1,703,947 ( 6,986,723)7,905,796)( 8,285,417)( 8,318,624)( 8,397,176)( 3,131,7022,913,521 3,382,272 3,371,138 3,595,948 527,921476,117 536,671 608,404 526,519 4,745,3094,351,269 4,622,690 4,275,545 4,616,312 1,169,8581,370,838 1,186,650 1,018,036 1,120,678 434,498388,013 372,815 341,456 363,645 -- - 323,641 12,159 454,269623,810 108,218 32,294 13,517 17,18675,994 124,613 14,190 26,870 ( 104,871)215,921)( 6,771 112,834)( 137,203)( 10,375,8729,983,641 10,340,700 9,871,870 10,138,445 469,667876,642 68,079 6,714 5,151 -- 7,888 - - 104,871215,921 6,771)( 112,834 137,203 574,5381,092,563 69,196 119,548 142,354 10,950,41011,076,204 10,409,896 9,991,418 10,280,799 1,316,2631,402,442 1,085,200 987,919 37,322 2,647,4241,767,966 1,039,279 684,875 1,846,301 $ 3,963,6873,170,408$ 2,124,479$ 1,672,794$ 1,883,623$ 62 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TABLE 3 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting) Fiscal Year 2002200320042005200620072008200920102011 General fund Reserved-$ 7,178$ 4,072$ 13,349$ 10,352$ 15,224$ 8,653$ 12,680$ 9,148$ -$ Unreserved6,429,861 7,309,934 8,017,965 8,361,416 9,045,429 10,039,416 9,555,553 7,358,831 7,196,152 - Nonspendable - - - - - - - - - 18,836 Assigned- - - - - - - - - 3,750,000 -- - - - - - - - 3,779,268 Unassigned $ 6,429,861 7,317,112$ 8,022,037$ 8,374,765$ 9,055,781$ 10,054,640$ 9,564,206$ 7,371,511$ 7,205,300$ 7,548,104$ Total general fund All other governmental funds Reserved Debt service funds30,337$ 41,081$ 41,285$ 50,563$ 69,443$ 82,233$ 89,253$ 96,071$ 93,267$ -$ Unreserved, reported in: Special revenue funds207,743 237,911 211,765 247,743 318,028 280,798 350,750 332,799 337,679 - Capital projects funds895,894 772,431 735,191 1,063,030 1,051,972 1,069,303 2,429,680 1,676,876 1,155,196 - Restricted- - - - - - - - - 424,194 -- - - - - - - - 486,235 Assigned Total all other $ 1,133,974 1,051,423$ 988,241$ 1,361,336$ 1,439,443$ 1,432,334$ 2,869,683$ 2,105,746$ 1,586,142$ 910,429$ governmental funds Note: The City implemented GASB Statement 54 in fiscal year 2011. Prior year balances have not been restated to conform to GASB Statement 54. 63 TABLE 4 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting) Fiscal Year 2002200320042005200620072008200920102011 REVENUES Taxes7,067,904$ 6,891,072$ 7,804,900$ 8,103,134$ 8,942,235$ 9,506,528$ 10,004,265$ 10,104,779$ 9,570,777$ 10,251,019$ Service charges523,825 545,763 697,355 651,021 640,935 738,526 839,684 948,049 1,178,800 1,076,971 Fines and forfeitures135,897 248,426 229,922 207,407 279,716 353,889 361,027 226,083 229,357 295,075 Licenses and permits86,583 84,669 168,519 168,523 183,839 164,071 275,887 131,341 138,675 255,269 Intergovernmental242,187 249,564 306,510 104,228 188,096 111,889 87,730 124,581 1,366,544 147,510 Investment earnings275,793 194,772 87,991 286,300 441,986 623,810 454,269 108,218 32,294 13,517 Miscellaneous61,705 125,027 52,734 108,222 60,110 119,731 19,734 35,189 19,269 37,977 -55,415 - 402,789 28,122 - - - - - Special assessments 8,449,309 8,339,293 9,347,931 10,031,624 10,765,039 11,618,444 12,042,596 11,678,240 12,535,716 12,077,338 Total revenues EXPENDITURES General government1,091,746 1,113,323 1,274,807 1,231,709 1,349,248 1,491,202 1,293,925 1,355,822 1,359,012 1,319,243 Public safety3,603,448 3,821,859 3,874,454 4,140,738 4,562,217 4,955,771 5,459,268 5,827,418 6,048,150 6,084,813 Streets620,714 561,646 630,057 578,126 699,290 735,614 824,764 845,429 850,428 937,367 Culture and recreation1,294,316 1,357,624 1,336,974 1,412,305 1,466,261 1,518,938 1,931,846 2,006,999 2,072,331 2,189,768 Community development250,776 317,743 295,036 346,969 337,659 375,614 394,833 407,208 420,982 367,228 Debt service Principal450,000 470,000 500,000 420,000 430,000 455,000 475,000 425,000 460,000 420,000 Interest178,813 157,032 133,441 111,582 91,817 71,105 49,195 99,652 144,279 98,117 Bond issuance costs- - - - - - 12,725 25,000 - - 868,370 661,419 1,014,372 952,446 807,528 1,902,168 5,265,493 2,099,912 889,326 Capital outlay 8,358,183 8,165,980 8,706,188 9,255,801 9,888,938 10,410,772 12,343,724 16,258,021 13,455,094 12,305,862 Total expenditures (continued) 64 TABLE 4 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS (Continued) LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting) Fiscal Year 2002200320042005200620072008200920102011 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) $ 173,31391,126$ 641,743$ 775,823$ 876,101$ 1,207,672$ 301,128)$( 4,579,781)$( 919,378)$( 228,524)$( EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Issuance of bonds- - - - - - 1,325,000 1,500,000 - - Proceeds from sale of capital assets- - - - - - 27,914 21,881 338,054 27,316 Proceeds from insurance- - - - - - - 94,497 8,343 5,502 Transfers in251,085 423,414 90,000 90,000 94,500 55,000 207,629 2,461,037 204,320 292,052 (102,195)( 90,000)( 140,000)( 211,479)( 270,921)( 312,500)( 2,454,266)( 317,154)( 429,255)( Transfers out Total other financing 148,890 - 50,000)( 116,979)( 215,921)( 1,248,043 1,623,149 233,563 104,385)( sources (uses) NET CHANGE IN $ 240,016$ 641,743$ 725,823$ 759,122$ 991,751$ 946,915$ 2,956,632)$( 685,815)$( 332,909)$( FUND BALANCES DEBT SERVICE AS A PERCENTAGE OF NONCAPITAL 8.7%9.2% 8.5% 6.9% 6.2% 5.8% 5.3% 5.0% 5.6% 3.9% EXPENDITURES 65 TABLE 5 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS ASSESSED VALUE AND ESTIMATED ACTUAL VALUE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Estimated Less:Total TaxableTotalActual FiscalResidentialCommercialIndustrialTax-exemptAssessedDirectTaxable YearPropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyValueTax RateValue 2002277,642,872$ 302,960,725$ 97,250,070$ 189,978,791$ 487,874,876$ $0.4800497,831,506$ 2003300,285,040 341,944,306 97,673,680 221,495,172 518,407,854 0.4850528,987,606 2004332,268,337 380,965,905 111,273,080 249,575,629 574,931,693 0.4850586,664,993 2005352,795,683 386,744,845 105,901,750 253,232,383 592,209,895 0.4850604,295,811 2006387,312,400 403,019,380 113,971,870 260,321,554 643,982,096 0.4750657,124,588 2007436,191,340 446,012,320 124,665,270 287,207,489 719,661,441 0.4650734,348,409 2008473,515,020 493,287,390 139,045,430 287,501,749 818,346,091 0.4450835,047,032 2009530,504,500 521,967,390 134,864,860 296,981,931 890,354,819 0.4350908,525,326 2010541,059,730 514,106,150 145,588,370 305,171,070 895,583,180 0.4435913,860,388 2011546,372,660 514,213,740 127,553,350 302,938,397 885,201,353 0.4600903,266,687 Source:Erath County Appraisal District. Note:PropertyinErathCountyisreassessedonceeverythreeyearsonaverage.TheCountyassessespropertyatapproximately95percentofactualvaluefor commercial,industrialandresidentialproperty.Estimatedactualtaxablevalueiscalculatedbydividingtaxableassessedvaluebythosepercentages.Tax rates are per $100 of assessed value. 66 TABLE 6 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING PROPERTY TAX RATES LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS City Direct RatesOverlapping Rates GeneralMiddleTotal ObligationTotalStephenvilleTrinityDirect and FiscalBasicDebtDirectSchoolWaterErathOverlapping YearRateServiceRateDistrictDistrictCountyRates 2002$0.3678$0.1122$0.4800$0.1690-$0.4785$1.1275 20030.38120.10380.48501.6900$0.01500.47002.6600 20040.39130.09370.48501.67000.01500.45122.6212 20050.41070.07430.48501.67000.01500.46252.6325 20060.40790.06710.47501.66000.01500.44102.5910 20070.39960.06540.46501.51990.01500.43522.4351 20080.38110.06390.44501.19200.01500.41872.0707 20090.37620.05880.43501.14700.01500.39151.9885 20100.37620.06730.44351.14700.01500.39001.9955 20110.40150.05850.46001.14700.01500.45002.0720 Source: Erath County Appraisal District Notes:TheCity'sbasicpropertytaxratemaybeincreasedonlybyamajorityvoteoftheCity'sresidents.Ratesfordebtservice are set based on each year's requirements. OverlappingratesarethoseoflocalandcountygovernmentsthatapplytopropertyownerswithintheCityofStephenville, Texas. 67 TABLE 7 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS PRINCIPAL PROPERTY TAXPAYERS CURRENT YEAR AND NINE YEARS AGO 20112002 PercentagePercentage of Total Cityof Total City TaxableTaxableTaxableTaxable AssessedAssessedAssessedAssessed TaxpayerValueValueValueValue FMC Company37,355,452$ 4.22% 22,566,189$ 4.35% Saint Gobain Abrasives16,632,836 1.88% 16,322,241 3.15% Stephenville Campus Crest11,872,640 1.34% - -% Bosque River Associates8,118,020 0.92% 9,543,390 1.84% Oncor Electric Delivery7,569,510 0.86% 7,240,170 1.40% Stephenville Student Housing LP8,956,830 1.01% - -% Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. #18,737,210 0.99% 8,284,090 1.60% United Telephone Company (Century Link)6,928,430 0.78% 5,496,420 1.06% Bruner Motors- -% 3,469,480 0.67% Wilmington Trust (Wal-Mart #2)6,000,730 0.68% 6,793,140 1.31% Rayloc Genaut- -% 4,485,122 0.86% -%- 4,672,463 0.90% Emerson Electric Company Subtotal112,171,658$ 12.67% 88,872,705$ 17.14% 87.33%773,029,695 429,760,651 82.86% Remaining Roll $ 100.00%885,201,353 518,633,356$ 100.00% Total Source: Erath County Appraisal District State Property Tax Board Report. 68 TABLE 8 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Collected Within the Fiscal Year of the LevyTotal Collections to Date Taxes LeviedCollections Fiscalfor thePercentagein SubsequentPercentageO/S as of Year EndedFiscal YearAmountof LevyYearsAmountof Levy09/30/11 20022,348,927$ 2,294,810$ 97.70% 52,617$ 2,347,427$ 99.94% 1,500$ 20032,513,625 2,462,155 97.95% 44,531 2,506,686 99.72% 6,939 20042,788,419 2,726,244 97.77% 58,974 2,785,218 99.89% 3,201 20052,832,529 2,808,747 99.16% 19,774 2,828,521 99.86% 4,008 20063,066,225 3,018,008 98.43% 44,457 3,062,465 99.88% 3,760 20073,344,539 3,307,083 98.88% 33,018 3,340,101 99.87% 4,438 20083,641,808 3,602,598 98.92% 32,781 3,635,379 99.82% 6,429 3,822,4923,874,843 2009 41,91098.65% 3,864,402 99.73% 10,441 3,887,0383,965,938 2010 54,03398.01% 3,941,071 99.37% 24,867 4,007,4494,059,655 2011 -98.71% 4,007,449 98.71% 52,206 Sources: Erath County Appraisal District and Erath County Tax Assessor-Collector. 69 TABLE 9 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS RATIOS OF OUTSTANDING DEBT BY TYPE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Governmental ActivitiesBusiness-type Activities GeneralCertificatesWaterCertificatesTotalPercentage FiscalObligationofRevenueofCapitalPrimaryof PersonalPer YearBondsParticipationBondsParticipationLeasesGovernmentIncomeCapita 20021,970,000$ 1,445,000$ 13,455,000$ 1,150,000$ -$ 18,020,000$ 5.09% 1,201$ 20031,615,000 1,330,000 6,660,000 7,905,000 - 4.91%17,510,000 1,118 20041,235,000 1,210,000 6,295,000 14,174,233 - 6.09%22,914,233 1,443 2005945,000 1,080,000 5,910,000 13,250,233 - 5.19%21,185,233 1,300 2006645,000 950,000 5,500,000 14,305,233 259,184 5.03%21,659,417 1,283 2007330,000 810,000 5,210,000 17,660,134 219,920 5.02%24,230,054 1,421 20081,325,000 665,000 4,905,000 20,644,155 177,337 5.56%27,716,492 1,607 20092,550,000 515,000 4,585,000 19,456,865 499,724 N/A1,53827,606,589 20102,255,000 350,000 4,250,000 18,179,865 364,740 N/A1,48325,399,605 20112,185,000 - 3,895,000 16,866,865 194,121 N/A1,32423,140,986 Notes:The City issued over $5 million of new certificates of participation in 2008. See Table 14 for personal income and population data. These ratios are calculated using personal income and population for the prior calendar year. Personal income is not available for 2009-2011. 70 TABLE 10 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS RATIOS OF GENERAL BONDED DEBT OUTSTANDING LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS General Bonded Debt Outstanding Percentage of GeneralActual Taxable FiscalObligationCertificates ofValue ofPer YearBondsObligationsTotalPropertyCapita 20021,970,000$ 1,445,000$ 3,415,000$ 0.70% 228$ 20031,615,000 1,330,000 2,945,000 0.57% 188 20041,235,000 1,210,000 2,445,000 0.43% 154 2005945,000 1,080,000 2,025,000 0.34% 124 2006645,000 950,000 1,595,000 0.25% 94 2007330,000 810,000 1,140,000 0.16% 67 20081,325,000 665,000 0.24%1,990,000 115 20092,550,000 515,000 0.34%3,065,000 171 20102,255,000 350,000 0.29%2,605,000 152 20112,185,000 - 0.25%2,185,000 125 Notes: See Table 5 for property value data. Population data can be found in Table 14. 71 TABLE 11 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES DEBT AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Estimated Share of EstimatedDirect and DebtPercentageOverlapping Government Unit OutstandingApplicableDebt Debt repaid with property taxes: Stephenville Independent School District9,169,326$ 68.45%6,276,404$ 2,534,151 Erath County6,533,000 38.79% Subtotal, overlapping debt8,810,555 2,185,000 City of Stephenville direct debt2,185,000 100.00% $ 10,995,555 Total direct and overlapping debt Sources: AssessedvaluedatausedtoestimateapplicablepercentagesprovidedbytheErathCountyAppraisalDistrictand Assessment Debt outstanding data provided by each governmental unit. Notes: Overlappinggovernmentsarethosethatcoincide,atleastinpart,withthegeographicboundariesoftheCity. Thisscheduleestimatestheportionoftheoutstandingdebtofthoseoverlappinggovernmentsthatisborneby theresidentsandbusinessesoftheCityofStephenville.Thisprocessrecognizesthat,whenconsideringthe City'sabilitytoissueandrepaylong-termdebt,theentiredebtburdenbornebytheresidentsandbusinesses shouldbetakenintoaccount.However,thisdoesnotimplythateverytaxpayerisaresident--andtherefore responsible for repaying the debt--of each overlapping government. 72 TABLE 12 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS LEGAL DEBT MARGIN AND TAX RATE LIMITATIONS INFORMATION As a home rule city, the City of Stephenville is not limited by law in the amount of debt it may issue. UnderArticleXI,Section5oftheTexasConstitution,notaxforanypurposeshalleverbelawfulforanyoneyear,whichshallexceedtwoandone-halfpercentofthetaxableproperty of the City. AlltaxablepropertywithintheCityissubjecttoassessment,levyandcollectionbytheCityofacontinuing,directannualadvaloremtaxsufficienttoprovideforthepaymentof principalandinterestonthebondswithinthelimitsprescribedbylaw.UnderrulespromulgatedbytheOfficeoftheAttorneyGeneralofTexas,suchofficewillnotapprovetaxbonds of the City unless the City can demonstrate its ability to pay debt service requirements on all outstanding City tax bonds, including the issue to be approved. Tax Rate Limitation Calculation for Fiscal Year 2011 Taxable assessed valuation885,201,353$ Constitutional tax rate limit2.50% of assessed valuation Maximum constitutional revenue available 22,130,034$ Tax rate to achieve maximum tax revenue $2.50 per $100 of valuation Tax rate for FY 2009-2010$0.4600 per $100 of valuation Available unused constitutional max tax rate$2.0400 per $100 of valuation Debt applicable to limit: General obligation debt2,185,000$ DEBT TAX RATE ADEQUACY 2011 Principal and Interest Requirements $ 306,075 $0.0352 Tax Rate at 98% Collection Produces 306,070 Average Annual Principal and Interest Requirement, 2012-2019 319,205 $0.0367 Tax Rate at 98% Collection Produces 319,204 Maximum Principal and Interest Requirements 306,075 $0.0588 Tax Rate at 98% Collection Produces 306,070 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET PROJECTION Tax Obligation Debt Service Requirements, Fiscal Year Ending 9-30-2012 306,075 Debt Service Fund, 9-30-11 $ 106,908 412,978306,070$ Debt Service Fund Tax Levy @ 98% Collection 73 TABLE 13 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS PLEDGED REVENUE COVERAGE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Water and Wastewater Revenue Bonds UtilityLess:Net FiscalServiceOperatingAvailableDebt Service YearChargesExpensesRevenuePrincipalInterestCoverage 20024,578,747$ 2,459,300$ 2,119,447$ 1,000,000$ 641,944$ 1.29$ 20034,372,612 2,321,847 2,050,765 1,145,000 642,281 1.15 20044,556,045 2,569,643 1,986,402 1,240,000 559,001 1.10 20055,511,586 2,553,909 2,957,677 1,331,000 712,056 1.45 20065,628,658 2,931,743 2,696,915 1,355,000 752,077 1.28 20075,092,578 2,946,356 2,146,222 1,220,000 819,564 1.05 20085,469,932 2,851,562 2,618,370 1,290,000 650,238 1.35 20095,492,233 3,060,691 2,431,542 1,340,000 652,120 1.22 20105,396,349 3,283,861 2,112,488 1,390,000 600,240 1.06 20116,147,606 3,106,016 3,041,590 1,435,000 543,289 1.54 Notes:Operating expenses do not include interest, depreciation, or amortization expenses. 74 TABLE 14 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS DEMOGRAPHIC AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Per Capita CalendarPersonalPersonalSchool CollegeUnemployment YearPopulationIncomeIncomeEnrollmentEnrollmentRate 200215,000$ 354,210,000$ 23,614$ 3,444$ 6,827$ 3.3% 200315,665 356,817,370 22,778 3,530 7,197 3.2% 200415,884 376,387,264 23,696 3,417 7,347 2.7% 200516,300 407,858,600 25,022 3,512 7,589 3.9% 200616,882 430,929,932 25,526 3,550 7,776 3.9% 200717,050 483,043,550 28,331 3,521 7,840 3.8% 200817,250 498,231,750 28,883 3,496 7,763 4.0% 200917,950 535,448,500 29,830 3,553 8,242 7.1% 201017,123 N/AN/A3,794 8,896 7.0% 201117,480 N/AN/A3,584 9,575 6.5% Sources:Population,medianage,andeducationlevelinformationprovidedbytheStateDepartmentofPlanning. PersonalincomeandunemploymentdataprovidedbytheStateDepartmentofCommerceandLabor. SchoolenrollmentdataprovidedbytheStephenvilleIndependentSchoolDistrictandTarletonState University. Note:Population,medianage,andeducationlevelinformationarebasedonsurveysconductedduringthelast quarterofthecalendaryear.Personalincomeinformationisatotalfortheyear.Unemploymentrate information is an adjusted yearly average. School enrollment is based on the census at the start of the school year. Personal income is not available for 2009-2011. 75 Table 15 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS PRINCIPAL EMPLOYERS CURRENT YEAR 2011 Percentage of Total City EmployerEmployeesEmployment Tarleton State University1,166 6.52% FMC Company790 4.42% Saint Gobain Abrasives477 2.67% Stephenville Independent School District236 1.32% Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.460 2.57% Scheiber Foods341 1.91% Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Stephenville 279 1.56% Western Dairy Transport150 0.84% Outlaw Conversions105 0.59% Erath County174 0.97% United Cooperative Services50 0.28% Emerson Electric Company128 0.72% Stephenville Medical & Surgical Clinic128 0.72% Tejas Tubular (Caporal Forging)165 0.92% Fibergrate Composite Structures134 0.75% Bruner Motors150 0.84% Southwestern Linen38 0.21% Texstar Ford35 0.20% Reynolds Nationwide Transport35 0.20% 0.11%19 USTRA (USTRC) Subtotal5,060 28.29% 71.71%12,828 Remaining Employers 100.00%17,888 Total Source: City Community Development Division. Total employee data is provided by the State Department of Commerce and Labor. Notes: Total employee information is based on entire Erath County. Principal employers are only those that operate from within the corporate city limits of Stephenville. 76 TABLE 16 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS FULLTIME EQUIVALENT CITY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES BY FUNCTION/PROGRAM LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Fiscal Year Function/Program2002200320042005200620072008200920102011 General government Management services4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Finance6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Planning2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Building1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Other1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Police Officers30 30 31 31 31 34 38 38 38 38 Civilians11 11 11 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 Fire Firefighters and officers26 26 26 26 27 28 31 31 31 31 Parks and recreation11 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Library4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 Streets7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Water9 9 9 9 10 13 13 13 13 13 Wastewater8 8 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Landfill 125122 126 128 131 133 140 140 140 140 Total Source:City Human Resource Office Notes:Afulltimeemployeeisscheduledtowork2080hoursperyear(includingvacationandsickleave).Fulltimeequivalentemploymentis calculated by dividing total labor hours by 2080. 77 TABLE 17 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS OPERATING INDICATORS BY FUNCTION/PROGRAM LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Fiscal Year Function/Program2002200320042005200620072008200920102011 General government Building permits issued234 222 140 172 125 153 135 109 90 148 Building permits value$12,118,416$10,467,400$21,515,373$18,442,334$12,262,542$16,144,842$27,821,098$11,978,341$8,456,287$29,365,010 Police Calls for service10,207 10,203 10,483 10,358 11,234 11,730 11,739 12,730 13,424 17,278 Physical arrests762 1,134 825 959 999 1,447 1,023 953 916 717 Parking violations404 530 324 386 334 498 171 206 346 401 Traffic violations3,164 5,094 5,350 3,588 3,066 4,469 2,473 1,634 1,478 4,639 Fire Ambulance responses1,468 1,372 1,183 1,291 1,255 1,537 1,472 1,502 1,442 1,524 Fires responses412 339 185 235 305 235 219 230 241 282 Inspections149 135 132 109 105 313 280 326 359 316 Refuse collection Refuse collected (tons)- - - - - - - - 15,984 15,538 Other public works Street resurfacing (miles)2.352.391.351.141.522.702.232.681.250.90 Library Volumes in collection40,161 43,331 46,938 48,548 47,510 43,737 43,827 44,200 39,333 33,709 Total volumes borrowed237 110 138 155 114 116 94 227 129 132 Water New connections5,319 5,242 5,521 5,253 5,550 5,660 5,670 5,700 5,624 5,698 Water main breaks52 49 54 50 48 49 44 61 62 70 Average daily consumption2,158,000 2,124,000 1,971,990 2,042,000 2,254,000 1,828,000 2,080,000 2,004,000 1,970,000 2,447,000 (thousands of gallons) Peak daily consumption4,174,000 4,133,000 3,598,000 3,499,000 4,397,000 3,091,000 3,848,000 3,663,000 3,666,000 4,765,000 (thousands of gallons) Wastewater Average daily sewage treatment1,311,000 1,354,000 1,456,000 1,334,000 1,414,000 1,691,000 1,548,000 1,518,000 1,745,000 1,395,000 (thousands of gallons) Source: Various City departments 78 TABLE 18 CITY OF STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS CAPITAL ASSET STATISTICS BY FUNCTION/PROGRAM LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Fiscal Year Function/Program2002200320042005200620072008200920102011 Police Stations1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Patrol units9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Fire Stations2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Other public works Streets (miles)87 92 92 92 92 96 96 96 91 91 Highways (miles)19 19 19 19 19 21 21 21 23 23 Streetlights992 1,013 1,013 1,013 1,013 1,070 1,080 1,096 1,119 1,121 Parks and recreation Acreage134 134 134 134 134 134 130 130 130 130 Playgrounds4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Baseball/softball diamonds9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 Soccer/football fields1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Community centers2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Water Water mains (miles)112 116 117 117 120 122 124 125 125 126 Fire hydrants623 650 670 670 680 692 720 735 771 788 Storage capacity5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,750,000 5,750,000 5,750,000 5,750,000 (thousands of gallons) Wastewater Sanitary sewers (miles)96 105 105 110 110 113 114 115 115 116 Storm sewers (miles)10 10 10 10 10 10 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 Treatment capacity9,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 (thousands of gallons) Source: Various City departments Note: No capital asset indicators are available for the general government function. 79 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY REPORT REQUIRED BY GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Stephenville, Texas We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Stephenville, Texas, (the “City”) as of and for the year ended September 30, 2011, which collectively comprise the City’s basic financial statements and have issued our report thereon dated January 20, 2012. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit, we considered the City’s internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the City’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the City’s internal control over financial reporting. A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity’s financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely basis. Our consideration of internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that might be deficiencies, significant deficiencies, or material weaknesses. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that we consider to be material weaknesses, as defined above. 80 401 WEST HIGHWAY 6 P. O. BOX 20725 WACO, TX 76702-0725 (254) 772-4901 FAX: (254) 772-4920 www.pbhcpa.com AFFILIATE OFFICES: BROWNSVILLE, TX (956) 544-7778 HILLSBORO, TX (254) 582-2583 TEMPLE, TX (254) 791-3460 ALBUQUERQUE, NM (505) 266-5904 Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the City’s financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. This report is intended solely for the information and use of management, the City Council, federal and state awarding agencies and pass-through entities and is not included to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. January 20, 2012 81