HomeMy WebLinkAboutBargain Town 12-15-22 Texas Department of State Health Services Retail Food Establishment Inspection Report Est. TypeRisk Category Date:Time in:Time out:License/Permit #Page __of ___ 23026033 2!pg!4 Purpose of Inspection: 1-Compliance 2-Routine 3-Field Investigation 4-Visit 5-OtherTOTAL/SCORE Number of Repeat Violations: ____ Establishment Name:Contact/Owner Name: Number of Violations COS: _____ Cbshbjo!Upxo :8 Follow-up: Yes Physical Address:City/County:Zip Code:Phone: No (circle one) 2222!F!Xbtijohupo!Tufqifowjmmf87512 Compliance Status: Out = not in compliance IN = in compliance NO= not observed NA= not applicable COS= corrected on site R= repeat violation Mark the appropriate points in the OUTbox for each numbered item IN, NO,NA,COS R Priority Items(3 Points)violations Require Immediate Corrective Actionnot to exceed 3 days Compliance StatusCompliance Status OINNCROINNCR Time and Temperature for Food Safety UNOAOUNOAO EmployeeHealth (F = degrees Fahrenheit) TSTS 1. Proper cooling time and temperature12. Management, food employees and conditional employees; knowledge, responsibilities, and reporting 2. Proper Cold Holding temperature(41°F/ 45°F)13.Proper use of restriction and exclusion; No discharge from eyes, nose, and mouth 3. Proper Hot Holding temperature(135°F) PreventingContamination by Hands 4. Proper cooking time and temperature14. Hands cleaned and properly washed/ Gloves used properly 5. Proper reheating procedure for hot holding (165°F in 2 15. No bare hand contact with ready to eat foods or approved Hours)alternate method properly followed(APPROVED Y___N___) 6. Time as a Public Health Control; procedures & records Highly Susceptible Populations 16. Pasteurized foods used; prohibited food not offered Approved Source Pasteurized eggs used when required 7. Food and ice obtained from approved source; Food in good condition, safe, and unadulterated;parasite Chemicals destruction 8. Food Received at proper temperature17. Food additives; approved and properly stored; Washing Fruits & Vegetables Protection from Contamination18. Toxic substances properly identified, stored and used 9. Food Separated & protected,prevented duringfood Water/ Plumbing preparation, storage, display, and tasting 10. Food contactsurfacesand Returnables ; Cleaned and 19. Water from approved source; Plumbing installed; proper Sanitized at_______ ppm/temperaturebackflow device 11. Proper disposition of returned, previously served or 20. Approved Sewage/Wastewater Disposal System, proper reconditioneddisposal Priority Foundation Items (2 Points)violations Require Corrective Action within 10 days OINNCROINNCR UNOAOUNOAO Demonstration of Knowledge/ PersonnelFood Temperature Control/ Identification TSTS 21. Person in charge present, demonstration of knowledge, 27. Proper cooling method used; Equipment Adequate to and perform duties/ Certified Food Manager (CFM)Maintain Product Temperature 22.Food Handler/ no unauthorized persons/personnel28. Proper Date Marking and disposition Safe Water, Recordkeeping and Food Package 29. Thermometers provided, accurate,and calibrated; Chemical/ LabelingThermal test strips 23. Hot and Cold Water available; adequate pressure, safePermit Requirement, Prerequisite for Operation 24. Required records available (shellstock tags; parasite 30. Food Establishment Permit(Current & Valid) destruction); Packaged Food labeled Conformance with Approved ProceduresUtensils, Equipment, and Vending 25. Compliance with Variance, Specialized Process, and 31. Adequate handwashing facilities: Accessible and properly HACCP plan; Variance obtained for specialized supplied, used processing methods; manufacturer instructions Consumer Advisory32. Food and Non-food Contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed, and used 26. Posting of Consumer Advisories; raw or under cooked 33. Warewashing Facilities; installed, maintained, used/ foods (Disclosure/Reminder/Buffet Plate)/ Allergen LabelService sink or curb cleaning facility provided Core Items (1 Point)Violations Require Corrective Action Not to Exceed 90 Days or Next Inspection , Whichever Comes First OINNCROINNCR UNOAOUNOAO Prevention of Food ContaminationFood Identification TSTS 34. No Evidence of Insect contamination, rodent/other 41.Original containerlabeling(Bulk Food) animals 35. Personal Cleanliness/eating, drinking or tobacco use Physical Facilities 36. Wiping Cloths; properly used and stored42. Non-Food Contact surfaces clean 37.Environmental contamination43.Adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used 38. Approved thawing method44. Garbage and Refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained 45. Physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean Proper Use of Utensils 39. Utensils, equipment, & linens; properly used, stored, 46.Toilet Facilities; properly constructed, supplied, and clean dried, & handled/ In use utensils; properly used 40. Single-service & single-use articles; properly stored 47. Other Violations and used Received by:Print:Title: Person In Charge/ Owner Kbnjf!Mjol (signature) Business Email: Inspected by:Print: Csbe!Ipehft (signature) CƚƩƒ 9IΏЉЏ ΛwĻǝźƭĻķ ЉВΏЋЉЊЎΜ Texas Department of State Health Services Retail Food Establishment Inspection Report Corrective Actions to Ensure Safe Food Page __ of __ Item No. 1Cooling TCS* food cooled from 135° F to 70° F more than 2 hours OR 135° F to 41° F (45° F) More than 6 hours; OR prepared food cooled to 41° F (45° F) more than 4 hours: Action: Voluntary destruction, rapid reheating of cooked foods if less than 4 hours 2 Cold Hold TCS food held above 41° F (45° F) more than 4 hours: Action: Voluntary destruction TCS food held above 41° F (45° F) less than 4 hours: Action: Rapid cool (e.g. ice bath) 3 Hot Hold TCS food held below 135° F more than 4 hours: Action: Voluntary destruction TCS food held below 135° F less than 4 hours: Action: Rapid reheats to 165°F or more 4 Cooking TCS food undercooked: Action: Re-cook to proper temperature 5 Rapid Reheating TCS food improperly reheated: Action: Reheat rapidly to 165° F 7 Approved Source/Sound Condition Foods from unapproved sources/unsound condition: Action: Voluntary destruction 9 Cross-Contamination of Raw/Cooked Foods Ready-To-Eat food contaminated by raw TCS food: Action: Voluntary destruction of ready-to-eat foods 14 Handwashing Food employees observed not washing hands: Action: Instruct employees to wash hands as specified in the Rules. 15 Proper Handling of Ready-to-Eat Foods Employee did not properly wash and sanitize hands before touching ready-to-eat food with Bare hands: Action:Voluntary destruction 19, 23 Water Supply Facility does not have water for washing hands, preparing food, or cleaning equipment/utensils: Action: Voluntary suspension of food preparation * Time/Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) Texas Department of State Health Services Retail Food Establishment Inspection Report Establishment Name:Physical Address:City/State:License/Permit #Page __ of __ Tufqifowjmmf-!UY 2222!F!Xbtijohupo! Cbshbjo!Upxo! 4!pg!4 TEMPERATURE OBSERVATIONS Item/LocationTempItem/LocationTempItem/LocationTemp OBSERVATIONS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Item AN INSPECTION OF YOUR ESTABLISHMENT HAS BEEN MADE. YOUR ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE CONDITIONS OBSERVED AND Number NOTED BELOW: :Qspqfsmz!tupsf!gppe!qspevdut!pgg!pg!uif!gmpps! Received by:Print:Title: Person In Charge/ Owner Kbnjf!Mjol (signature) Inspected by:Print: Csbe!Ipehft! Samples: Y N # collected ____ (signature) CƚƩƒ 9IΏЉЏ ΛwĻǝźƭĻķ ЉВΏЋЉЊЎΜ