HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout7 Day Donuts (2029 W Washington) 2-1-217 Day Donuts 11-16-217 Day Donuts 5-11-21 (002)7 Day Donuts 8-4-217 Day Donuts 8-4-21 (2)Aldi (2865 W Washington)2/22/21Aldi 12-21-21Aldi 5-12-21Aldis 8-5-21Allsup’s (1201 E Washington) 8-5-21Allsup’s (2025 NW Loop) 8-5-21Allsups (1201 E Washington) 12-10-21 (002)Allsup's (1201 E Washington) 2-10-21Allsups (1201 E Washington) 5-12-21Allsups (1201 E Washington) 8-5-21Allsups (150 E South Loop) 12-29-21Allsup's (150 E South Loop) 2-10-21Allsups (150 E South Loop) 8-23-21Allsups (2025 NW Loop) 12-10-21 (002)Allsups (2025 NW Loop) 4-20-21Allsups (2025 NW Loop) 8-5-21Allsup's (2725 W Washington) 2-9-21Allsups (2725 W Washington) 4-26-21 (002)Azteca Mexican Bar and Grill 4-27-21 (002)Azteca Mexican Bar and Grill 7-30-21Baby Clay's Meat Market (10-28-21)(1) (002)Baby Clays Meat Market 4-14-21 (002)Bahama Breeze 3-23-21Bahama Breeze 6-28-21 (002)Baker’s Donuts 7-16-21Baker's Donuts (10-29-21)Bakers Donuts 4-21-21Bar U Nutrition (10-18-21)Bar U Nutrition 4-9-21 (002)Barefoot Market 4-28-21 (002)Bargain Town (111 E Washington) 2-9-21Bargain Town 12-10-21 (002)Bargain Town 5-12-21Bargain Town 8-5-21Bargain Town 8-5-21 (2)Beans Franks (2810 W Washington) 4-21-21 (002)Beans & Franks (1296 W Washington)2/22/21Best Donuts (10-29-21)Best Donuts 7-16-21Best Western Plus (10-18-21)Best Western Plus 7-5-2021Big Lots - 2133 W Washington - 2/1/2021Big Lots 11-16-21Big Lots 5-11-21 (002)Big Lots 8-4-21Big Lots 8-4-21 (2)Big O's (1350 W Washington Suite 1150) 2-05-21Big O's 12-21-21(1)Big Os 8-20-21Bodega Ocho 3-25-21Bo's Boil n Geaux Inspection_Bull Nettle 11-24-21Bull Nettle 4-27-21Bull Nettle 7-28-21Burger King (10-28-21)Burger King 4-19-21 (002)Burger King 7-16-21Caam's 9-24-21Camms 3-25-21Camms 6-18-21Captain D’s 7-16-21Captain D's (10-28-21)Captain D's (3015 W Washington) 1-7-21Captain Ds 4-19-21 (002)Casseroles to Go 3-24-21Casseroles to Go 6-9-21Casseroles to Go 9-29-21CEFCO 12-30-21CEFCO Gas Station 2-5-21CEFCO Gas Station 8-20-21 (002)Central Elementary School 11-10-21Central Elementary School 4-19-21 (002)Chamberlin Elementary School 11-10-21Chamberlin Elementary School 4-19-21 (002)Champs Vitamin Shop (1955 W South Loop) 2-24-21Chicken Express (2850 W Washington) 2-25-21Chicken Express 9-20-21Chilis 9-20-21 (002)CiCis Pizza 4-19-21Cinema 6 3-26-21Cinema 6 9-27-21Coconut Hut (Ranger College) 3-25-21Cold Smoke Craft House 12-21-21Cold Smoke Craft House 5-13-21 (002)Cold Smoke Craft House 8-20-21 (002)College Stop 12-21-21College Stop 2-5-21College Stop 5-14-21 (002)College Stop 8-6-21Cotton Patch (Complaint Inspection) 12-14-21 (002)Cotton Patch 9-20-21 (002)Cowboy Cones 4-2-21-1 (002)Cowboy Cones 7-15-21Cowgirl Coffee (New Permit) 1-11-22Crawfords Corner 4-14-21 (002)Crawford's Corner Deli (10-18-21)Crawford's Corner Deli (10-18-21) (2)Crazy Hair Coffee Company 7-5-2021Crazy Thai 5-11-21 (002)Crazy Thai Cuisine (Complaint Reinspection) 1-6-22Crazy Thai Cuisine (COMPLAINT) 12-21-21Crazy Thai Cuisine 11-16-21Crazy Thai Cuisine 8-4-21Crazy Thai Cuisine 8-4-21 (2)CVS (10-28-21) (002)CVS 7-6-21CVS Pharmacy 4-16-21 (002)Dairy Queen 3-25-21 (002)Dairy Queen 6-28-21 (002)Dairy Queen 9-21-21Discount Mart (10-28-21)Discount Mart (10-28-21) (2)Discount Mart 4-21-21 (002)Discount Mart 7-15-21DJ’s Supermarket & Deli 7-16-21DJ's Supermarket Deli (10-29-21)DJs Supermarket Deli 4-21-21 (002)Dollar General (170 Morgan Mill Rd) 12-10-21 (002)Dollar General (170 Morgan Mill Rd) 2-9-21Dollar General (170 Morgan Mill Rd) 5-12-21Dollar General (170 Morgan Mill Rd) 8-5-21Dollar General (2275 W Lingleville Rd) 2-9-21Dollar General (2275 W Lingleville Rd) 5-12-21_Dollar General (2275 W Lingleville Rd) 8-5-.21Dollar General (275 W Lingleville) 12-10-21 (002)Dollar Tree (10-16-21)(2)Dollar Tree 4-14-21 (002)Domino's 8-25-21-1Don Nico's (210 E South Loop) 9-21-21Don Nico's (966 W Washington) 9-21-21Donut Palace 12-10-21 (002)Donut Palace 2-5-21Donut Palace 8-5-21EG Food Mart Deli 2-5-21EG Food Mart 12-29-21EG Food Mart 5-14-21 (002)EG Food Mart 8-20-21 (002)El Corral Grocery 6-21-21El Corral Grocery 6-21-21 (2)El Corral Grocery 9-13-21 (002)El Taquito (129 W Washington) 12/18/20El Taquito 6-28-21-2El Taquito 9-21-21El Trompo (10-28-21) (002)El Trompo Mexican Grill 4-26-21 (002)Enoki Sushi Hibachi 12-30-21Enoki Sushi Hibachi 8-25-21Erath County Jail 3-23-21Faith School 3-23-21Faith School 9-28-21Family Dollar 11-16-21Family Dollar 2-1-21Family Dollar 5-11-21 (002)Family Dollar 8-4-21Food Plaza (10-18-21)Food Plaza 4-20-21Food Plaza 7-6-21Fuzzys (Complaint Inspection) 12-14-21 (002)Fuzzy's Taco Shop (12-29-21)Fuzzy's Taco Shop (265 E Washington) 2-10-21Gallery House BB 9-28-21Gilbert Intermediate School 11-10-21Gilbert Intermediate School 4-19-21 (002)Golden Chick 3-23-21Golden Chick 6-7-21Golden Chick 9-20-21Grace Ridge Early Learning Center (510 E FM 8) 2-5-21Gray Joes 9-28-21Gray Joes 9-28-21 (2)Greers Ranch Cafe 3-24-21Greers Ranch Cafe 6-22-21Greer's Ranch Cafe 9-29-21Grumps 11-24-21Grumps 4-27-21Grumps 7-28-21Habaneros Mexican Cocina 11-16-21Habaneros Mexican Cocina 11-16-21 (2)Habaneros Mexican Restaurant 4-16-21 (002)Hampton Inn (10-18-21)Hampton Inn 4-14-21 (002)Hampton Inn 7-5-2021Hampton Inn 7-5-2021 (2)Happy Days 3-24-21Happy Days 9-28-21Hard 8 (Commissary) 6-9-21Hard 8 (Commissary) 9-15-21Hard 8 (Marketplace) 6-9-21Hard 8 (Marketplace) 9-15-21Hard 8 BBQ (Restaurant) 3-24-21Hard 8 BBQ (Restaurant) 9-27-21(1)Hearsay Wine Bar 3-25-21HEB (Grocery) (2150 W Washington) 3-2-21HEB (Grocery) 1-6-22HEB (Grocery) 6-18-21HEB (Grocery) 9-15-21 (002)HEB (Grocery)l (2150 W Washington) 3-2-21HEB (Tokyo Garden) (2150 W Washington) 3-2-21HEB (Tokyo Garden) (2150 W Washington) 3-2-21 (2)HEB (Tokyo Garden) 6-18-21HEB (Tokyo Garden) 9-15-21Henderson Junior High 11-10-21Henderson Junior High 4-19-21 (002)Honey Bee Natural Foods (New Permit) 9-9-21 (002)Hook Elementary School 11-10-21Hook Elementary School 4-19-21 (002)Jack in the Box 4-26-21 (002)Jake Dorothys Cafe 3-22-21Jake Dorthys Cafe 6-7-21Jake and Dorthys Cafe 9-27-21Jaliscos Mexican Restaurant 3-22-21Jimmy John's 11-16-21Jimmy Johns 2-1-21Jimmy Johns 8-4-21Junction Gas Station (10-29-21)Junction Gas Station (Ownership Change) 7-15-21Junction Gas Station 2-5-21Junction Gas Station 5-12-21La Esmeralda (New Equipment inspection) 4-27-21La Quinta 4-14-21La Quinta 7-5-2021Legends Contry Club (Reinspection) 11-29-21Legends Country Club 3-24-21Legends Country Club 6-21-21Legends Country Club 9-28-21Lidas Food Basket 3-25-21Lidas Food Basket 6-22-21Lidas Food Basket 9-13-21 (002)Lillys Conoco 12-21-21Lillys Conoco 2-5-21Lillys Conoco 5-14-21 (002)Lillys Conoco 8-6-21Little Caesars (1186 W Washington) 2-24-21Little Caesar's 12-21-21Little Caesars 5-14-21Little Caesars 8-6-21Little Johns Produce 3-11-21 (002)Littlejohns Produce 6-21-21Littlejohns Produce 9-13-21 (002)Los Arcos De Castillo (802 East Rd) 2-10-21Los Arcos de Castillo 12-29-21Los Arcos de Castillo 5-12-21 (002)Los Arcos de Castillo 8-23-21Lupes Breakfast Lunch 9-27-21Lupes Breakfast and Lunch 6-28-21 (002)Macs Meat Market 4-14-21 (002)McDonald’s (2819 W Washington) 1-12-21McDonald's (1416 W Washington) 12-21-21McDonald's (1416 W Washington) 2-22-21McDonalds (1416 W Washington) 8-20-21 (002)McDonalds (2819 W Washington) 4-26-21 (002)McDonald's (2829 W Washington) 10-28-21 (002)Meal Prep to Go (New Permit) 9-9-21 (002)Mi Familia 11-16-21Mi Familia 2-1-21 (002)Mi Familia 5-11-21Mi Familia 8-4-21Montanas 8-20-21 (002)Murphy USA 12-21-21Murphy USA 12-21-21 (002)Murphy USA 5-14-21Murphy USA 8-6-21Newtons at the Cellar (Bar) 11-24-21 (004)Newtons at the Cellar 11-24-21Newtons at the Cellar 4-28-21Newtons at the Cellar 7-30-21Nurture N Nature 3-23-21Nurture n Nature 9-29-21Panda Express 9-20-21 (002)Pastafina 9-24-21Peacock’s (1615 W South Loop)Peacock’s (1700 W Lingleville) 1-29-21Peacocks (1615 W South Loop) 11-23-21Peacocks (1615 W South Loop) 4-27-21 (002)Peacocks (1700 W Lingleville Rd) 4-27-21 (002)Peacocks (1700 W Lingleville) 11-23-21Pettys Limited Menu 4-28-21Pica Fresa 3-24-21Pica Fresa 9-28-21Pizza Hut 8-23-21Pulidos 3-24-21Pulidos Mexican Restaurant 9-13-21 (002)Ranglers Convenience Store (10-29-21)Ranglers Convenience Store 4-21-21 (002)Ranglers Convenience Store 7-15-21Red Umbrella 11-23-21Reynaldos Mexican Restaurant 3-22-21Reynaldos Mexican Restaurant 6-7-21Reynaldo's Mexican Restaurant 9-24-21Rockin P 3-25-21Rodeo Grounds (620 S Graham) 2-10-21Rodeo Grounds 12-23-21Rodeo Grounds 5-14-21Rodeo Grounds 8-20-21 (002)RR BBQ 3-24-21RR BBQ 6-22-21RR BBQ 9-24-21Rubys Texas Bistro 3-24-21Ruby's Texas Bistro 9-29-21Rude Judes (New Permit Reinspection) 9-21-21Salt Lick Creamery and Cheesery (CO inspection)Santa Fe Taco Company 8-23-21Schlotzskys 9-15-21 (002)Shooterz Bar Grill 5-12-21Shooterz Bar Grill 8-31-21Shooterz Bar and Grill 12-29-21Sonic (1086 W Washington) 12-29-21Sonic (1086 W Washington) 2-22-21Sonic (1086 W Washington) 8-23-21 (002)Sonic (3010 W Washington) (10-28-21)Sonic (3010 W Washington) 1-7-21Sonic (3010 W Washington) 4-20-21 (002)Sonic (3010 W Washington) 7-6-21Starbucks (10-28-21)Stephenville Energy Nutrition 4-14-21 (002)Stephenville High School 11-10-21Stephenville High School 4-19-21 (002)Stephenville Nutrition Energy (10-18-21)Stephenville Nutrition & Energy 10-3-22Stephenville Nutrition and Energy 1-6-21Stephenville Senior Center 4-16-21 (002)Subway - 1236 W. Washington, Ste. 103 - 2/22/2021Subway (1236 W Washington) 12-21-21Subway (1236 W Washington) 8-6-21Subway (Wal-Mart) 3-2-21Subway (Walmart) 6-18-21Summer Sky 6-9-21Summer Sky 9-10-21 (002)Summer Sky Treatment Center 12-11-20SUNOCO 12-23-21Sunoco 8-6-21Super 8 - 921 S 2nd - 2/25/2021Super 8 9-27-21Swigs BBQ (new permit) 1-25-22 (2)Taco Bell 1-19-22Taco Bell 8-25-21Taco Casa 4-19-21 (002)Taco Regio (new permit inspection) 8-25-21(1)Taco Regio (New Permit) 12-10-21 (002)Taqueria Dos Amigos 6-22-21Taqueria Dos Amigos 9-13-21 (002)Taqueria Ebenezer 3-11-21Taqueria Ebenezer 6-22-21Taqueria Ebenezer 9-13-21Taqueria Esmeralda 3-11-21 (002)Taqueria Esmeralda 6-22-21Taqueria Esmeralda 9-21-21Taqueria La Morenita 3-11-21 (002)Taqueria La Morenita 6-28-21Taqueria La Morenita 9-21-21Taylor Food Mart (10-29-21)Taylor Food Mart 4-21-21 (002)Taylor Food Mart 7-16-21Tea2go 2-21-22Tea2Go 9-24-21Texan Food Mart 4-26-21Texan Nutrition 4-16-21 (002)Texan Nutrition 7-6-21Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital 9-28-21The Feed Mill 3-11-21The Feed Mill 6-21-21The Feed Mill 9-13-21 (002)The Shack 4-9-21 (002)The Water Shop 3-22-21The Water Shop 6-7-21The Water Shop 9-10-21 (002)Tree House - Child Care Inspection (422 W Washington) 3-5-21Tree House (422 W Washington) 3-5-21Treehouse 9-29-21Upbring Head Start 9-29-21Upbring Head Start 9-29-21 (2)Upbring Head Start- Child Care Facility Inspection FormWalgreen's (10-28-21) (002)Walgreens 4-16-21 (002)Walgreens 7-6-21Walmart (Bakery/Deli) (2765 W Washington) 03-02-21Walmart (Bakery-Deli) 6-18-21Walmart (Bakery-Deli) 9-20-21Walmart (Grocery) (2765 W Washington) 3-2-21Walmart (Grocery) 6-18-21Walmart (Grocery) 9-20-21 (002)Wendy's (1083 W Washington) 2-22-21Wendys 12-29-21Wendys 8-20-21 (002)Whataburger (1028-21)Whataburger (New Facility-Reinspection) 8-2-21Whataburger 4-27-21Wing Stop 12-29-21Wing Stop 5-12-21 (002)Wing Stop 8-31-21Yogurt Delicious 8-25-21Yogurt Delicious 12-30-21